V-Day Of Art, Love, and Thoughts Behind My Children’s Book Illustrations.

My day started off with an afternoon appointment with my mental health worker. I did dishes while she kept me company and she helped me take some trash out. I was grateful for her help although I was a bit moody. Sometimes she just really pisses me off and triggers me and it’s not really her fault. I wake up only 20 minutes before she gets here and so I’m still moody and she has a tendency to talk a lot, saying what feels like a bunch of bullshit to fill the time sometimes and not giving me the feedback or help that I’m looking for. It’s just a human trait. No one is perfect. She does so many things to help and she’s nice and respectful, just over-worked, but I feel it. It’s not just her though. I feel every single one of my mental health worker’s stress, and I can’t hold it against them, but I gotta try to forgive myself for being such a grump around her all the time because I’m human too.

After she left I used a discount I got in an email to get chicken parm from Luccia’s. You won’t find too many better chicken parms than theirs. They are a true Italian food place. There is one in Winchester and one in the North End. As a person who knows food, it gets whatever marking my highest recommendation would be, for sure. They even brought me two free pizzelles because it’s Valentine’s Day. They were delicious too. My Nana and Papa made pizzelles all the time when I was growing up. They’re flat Italian snowflake cookies.

I talked to both of my boyfriends today, but we did not exchange gifts or cards. I did splurge and buy myself something under ten dollars because I can’t afford any more than that right now. Funko Pop just released all 3 members of Run DMC and since I could only get one, I had to go with Jam Master Jay for a long list of reasons. It’s supposed to come tomorrow, my little Valentine to myself.

I spent most of the night drawing. I didn’t write any query letters. I practiced the Gorillaz song a couple times because the Open Mic is this Friday. I put out the idea of doing another Open Mic Party. For whatever reason, Facebook seems to know exactly which posts I most want to be seen, and they take it out of the algorithm to fuck with me. Okay, maybe I’m being crazy about them fucking with me, although not necessarily… but a few people replied and wanna come, and I know I can probably get at least 30 people again.

But on to the aht. Yes, aht. I’m from Boston, kid.

This first one I did last night, and I made it my web site logo, or at least I attempted to. It hasn’t updated fully yet, but this is it…

And here are a few of the new children’s book pages…

I was proud of myself for coming up with this image. The writing on this page says something about Meg (the main character with pig-tails) doing some things that were wrong before they grew up. I really had to consider how to approach the art on that. I didn’t wanna draw Meg dressed stereo-typically “bad” because what people wear has no indication of whether they are good or bad and or wrong or right, and I didn’t wanna do anything that suggested it did. I also didn’t wanna show Meg doing anything too bad, like violent, or drugs, or anything that could be a bad influence. I figured showing Meg throwing a paper airplane and being in detention was good because a paper airplane is harmless and them being in detention shows there are consequences (even if I did kinda make detention look fun.)

Nothing too mind blowing about the thoughts behind this drawing. Pretty straightforward, but I love drawing people with guitars and instruments.

This page says something like “my life feels like a game of Ping Pong” and is referring to being bipolar and non-binary.

This page was a big deal and I put a lot of thought into how to draw this…. although i actually may add one more detail, but maybe not. Either way, the most difficult decision was how to dress Meg on this page. Were they going to cut their hair short, and what were they going to wear to be the best version of THEM? I went with this and made a few decisions about some of the upcoming pages too.

I will leave you with some modern psychedelic rock. Here is a song by Mothership.

and a Tiny Desk Concert by King Krule

And that’s all, folks.

Author: jymicliche

Jymi Cliche' is a queer, trans, intersex, artist and writer from the Boston area. He is Bipolar and has Complex PTSD . He writes from his experiences with that. His art is the raw emotion that comes out of him, often telling prophetic visions of the future or at least uncovering what's in his soul. He raps and writes spoken word poetry, has art hanging all around the world, and takes photos of his own personal universe.