A Reading From “The Godchild” & Interview With Author Jymi Cliche’

Today could’ve been incredibly stressful. I won’t get into all the details, but often times, days like these wreck me, yet I chose to laugh about it and shrug it off today. Maybe my weekend away helped, maybe it was the “LA Confidential” weed strain which is good for Bipolar, PTSD, anxiety, and pain. Maybe it was seeing my family or being showered with hugs now that my parents and I had our vaccines. Maybe it was a little sun and fresh air or the somewhat inspiring movie Nomadland that we watched. It was likely a combination of it all. I also found out I lost weight, I got to eat some good food, be social, got some help with my blog, and all kinds of good stuff. Today I got a book in the mail that I thought would be kind of like a how-to book about how to self publish a children’s book on Amazon, but it wasn’t quite as helpful as I was looking for it to be. I skimmed the whole thing, looking for the specific info I wanted, and it wasn’t in there, but he did have a few helpful suggestions. Honestly, I was a little turned off by the fact that even though he kept giving his wife credit for ideas, he kept saying “women are always right” which just rubbed me the wrong way because it reminded me of something my father would say to imply “I don’t actually think women are even close to always right, but my wife makes me feel like I have to say they are or we’ll argue about that too.” I didn’t enjoy that part, but I got a little bit of helpful advice, and one of those things was to make a YouTube channel to use for the books, and so I made a video of myself reading my favorite chapter from my first book, “The Godchild” and uploaded it to my YouTube… Here is that…

I trimmed my beard after I made the video. It was getting a little wild…


And here is an interview a blog called TZSBlog did with me awhile back about my Godchild trilogy…

1. Tell us about yourself:

My name is Jymi Cliche. I’m a 42 year old intersex trans man from Boston, Massachusetts in the US. I’m a newly self published author, an artist, photographer, poet, rapper, and human rights activist. I’m Bipolar with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and more than ten other psychiatric diagnoses. I spent twenty years of my life in and out of psych wards. I studied Psychology and Art in college and am still interested in both, as well as popular culture, especially music, but also books, movies, and TV, even though I’ve hardly had time to watch anything lately, or read for fun. I collect vinyl records and listen to music in some form all night while I work on my creative projects. I sleep during the day. I have a cat named Moo who’s been living with me for over fifteen years and I come from a large, close, chaotic family, many of whom live in the Boston area. My art is hanging at Out Of the Blue Gallery where I regularly do art shows and perform poetry and hip hop. I enjoy cooking new and old recipes and doing local Open Mics which have moved to Zoom during quarantine. I spend most of my time alone, which is what I usually prefer, although I do enjoy seeing friends and family and I text people or chat on Facebook, so it’s not like I don’t like people. I’m just somewhat agoraphobic and have severe social anxiety, so not having to go anywhere the last nine months has helped me be more productive. I love swimming at sunset, looking at the stars, enjoying live music, and dancing to shake the bad energy off my soul. I don’t do those things enough though.

2. How did you get into writing and publishing? Was this something you always wanted to do?

Yes, I’ve pretty much always wanted to be a writer. It’s been my goal since I was nine years old, and while I’ve written almost every day of my life, it took a long time before I was ready to write my books. Technically I wrote my first book when I was nine, but it wasn’t very good. I wrote another when I was eleven, and that was terrible too. Both were hand written and were pure childish fantasies, but I enjoyed the hell out of writing them, and I think that’s what was most important. I loved creating something. I had many ideas for books and screen-plays I wanted to write over the years, but they were fictional and I’d come up with a bunch of ideas but not know how to get started and make it work. When I began writing “The Godchild”, it was different. I went through some life changing and eye opening experiences in 2008 and 2010 and I knew since 2010 that I had an epic story to tell… my own. I knew that if I could just tell my story with all the details I could remember, that I’d have mind-blowing book. I started writing it in 2013 and finished a year or so later, but I wasn’t ready to publish. I was scared of the world reading something so personal, and honestly, I still am.

“The Godchild” gets off to a slow start because I didn’t even know where to begin, and I decided to start with where I was, at and go back and forth. It takes about the first third of the first book before the story fully gets going. The majority of the publishers I sent query letters to only wanted the first five to twenty pages, and I knew that even though I was sure the book got better and was worth reading, that they wouldn’t know that. I’m basically a nobody, at the bottom of society, so I expected to be rejected by most, and I was, even though many of the rejections were complimentary. I debated on whether to keep trying, but I wanted the whole trilogy to be released by July 2020, so I decided to self publish and I don’t regret it. It’s still selling and getting great reviews. I just wrote another book this past year which I’m hoping will get the attention of a publisher.

3. How was the writing, editing, and publishing process like for the first book?

It took seven years to write the trilogy, and part of that was because it was written as a journal. In the first book, I went back and forth from current day and into the past to tell the story of my life, so it only took about a year, but the following two books were both about the current day as I wrote them, so I had to actually live my life to find out what was going to happen, and I had to wait until enough happened to make it worth writing down. It was kind of a trip though, because everything that happened was perfect for the story. The books just wrote themselves. Of course, as I was writing my third book, I had extreme anxiety. I had faith that the universe would give me the perfect, epic ending for my trilogy, but I had no idea what that would be. I drove myself crazy with fear about the end of my trilogy coming. Was it the end of my life? The end of the world? I started to fall apart again like I had before I wrote the first two books, but it ended up bringing the trilogy full circle, providing the perfect ending as I had faith it would.

4. How has writing and being an author helped you as a person?

As a person who lived most of my life as a professional lab rat with different psychiatric treatments and medications tested on me since 1993, in and out of psych wards for 20 years, and the last decade slowly recovering after being broken, it’s nice to feel like I did something big and important, and that I count. I’m grateful that my story is being told and heard, and that people get it. It’s given me the ability to say that I’ve got a job and show people that I’m not lazy or stupid or whatever they think when they hear I have mental illness. I didn’t waste my life. It may have been far from conventional, but that’s what makes it such a great story. I have far less shame about existing and sometimes needing help than I once did now that I’ve put out my books. I hope the books will help heal the world, but I’m grateful that they started to heal me first.

5. What advice would you like to give to aspiring authors?

Just write… and live. Don’t compare, just create.

6. How long does it usually take to write a book?

It depends on what kind of book. The book I wrote this past year only took about six months for about three hundred pages.

7. Out of the five books that you have published so far, which is that one book that holds a very special place in your heart?

If I had to pick just one of the five, it would be the first book of “The Godchild” trilogy. It works alone as just one book, where you can’t really pick up part 2 or part 3 and just read those without having read the first one. It was originally going to stand alone, but I realized I had more I needed to say and life provided me all kinds of new material, but the first book of the series is probably the one that means the most to me.

8. What is your favorite place to read and write?

As much as I’d love to sit out on a deck overlooking the ocean or something perfect like that with fresh air and the sound of crashing waves, I do my writing wherever I may be. My books were all mostly written on a laptop computer, facing a corner wall on an extremely messy desk with music playing and my cat staring at me. Similarly, I will read wherever, but last year I found a green leather chair and ottoman tossed out in the trash, so I took it and put it in my bedroom, which is where I like to read before bed when I get a chance.

9. What kind of books do you like to read?

I like a variety of stuff, but memoir is probably my favorite genre.

10. What are you currently reading?

“On Writing” by Stephen King

11. If you could recommend only one book to anyone which book would that be?

The DSM-5. That’s the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for mental disorders currently being used to diagnose mental illness in the US and other parts of the world. I think people would be surprised how many descriptions they relate to and maybe question what “crazy” even means anyway.

12. Are there any upcoming launches that you can share with us?

I’m getting ready to publish my next book, hopefully in September of this year, and then my first children’s book around the winter holidays. I’m also doing a photography and art show about my mental illness from May-June at The Armory in Somerville MA.

13. Do you have any message that you want to convey through this interview?

The world is struggling right now and these are some uncertain times. Almost everyone is questioning their sanity from time to time, and I hope that my story will bring comfort to those who are. It’s an inspiring story of survival and it’s my honest guts and tears. I put myself out there to help others feel less alone.

New & Improved Book Cover, Queries, Soap, Medicine, Clouds & “The Most Valuable Poet On the M-I-C”

I’ve had a busy day today. I woke up at my parents’ house, showered, packed, ate a bagel, and drove an hour drive home. The drive wasn’t bad at all. Now that I take an exit to avoid part of the highway that I don’t like, and I know the exit numbers have changed, at 3PM on a Spring day there’s no traffic or blinding sun, and there was no rain like I’d anticipated. It was just a beautiful Spring drive.

When I got home, I comforted my cat right away. She’s an anxious cat who needs to constantly be comforted and she has a hard time when I leave her but I was only away from her for one full day. Still, she’s howling like crazy in the other room as I write, but I’ve given her some food and attention… maybe not enough…

I got some popcorn teriyaki chicken for dinner, talked to my mental health worker and my boyfriend, and I re-did the cover for my upcoming memoir while waiting for my weed. I’d made one yesterday, but I felt like I could do better. I definitely think I improved it a little bit, even though it’s the same basic idea.

I liked this idea of a claw machine representing a very flawed and rigged system, pulling my androgynous baby picture out of a pile of photos of me from various stages of my life. They are the same photos I used in the one I made yesterday, but I added the 8th grade, big hair photo, since 8th grade is an important part of the book and it’s probably the furthest from my true self that I ever was. I also changed some of the details of the person I drew, who is supposed to represent a young soldier.

As soon as I finished, my medicine came…

This is one of my favorite strains. LA Confidential. It’s recommended by Snoop. You can read about it here…


I saw that my soap came from my favorite soap shop on Etsy. This was one of them. Gorgeous!


I took out the trash and took a couple photos of the clouds…

I’ve been listening to music, took a bath with my new soap, smoked a little bit of my new weed, and I sent out a few more queries. I got another encouraging rejection today, and this one included a link to a web site kind of like the other two I’ve been looking for people through, but this one has a bunch more people I haven’t tried yet, so I researched four of them who were looking for memoirs and sent them each what they wanted, which were all different. It was hard work as usual, but maybe it’ll pay off. I feel like maybe I’m giving up too early. Now that I’m editing again and fixing a lot and am halfway through, I feel like it’s worth trying some new people. If I was close with a few like they’ve said, maybe this extra edit will be enough. I thought I was out of people, and I haven’t heard back from them all yet, but I don’t know what to expect. I only know what happened last time. This book is stronger in most ways. I do believe in it. Even if I self publish, I think this one might get read more and a little more buzz. I can only hope it reaches the people I’m meant to help with it.

I listened to Big L in my car on the way home. He was a brilliant artist. Some of his lyrics are potentially offensive if they didn’t make for such beautiful poetry.

And that is that.

Design For New Book Cover

I saw my family for Mother’s Day today. We hung out for several hours preparing food, eating, talking, sharing photos of pets, etc. My sister helped me figure out how to add tags to my blog posts, but we still haven’t figured out how to use it as a regular blog to follow other bloggers. I may not be able to, but we will see. Both my sisters helped me create a linktree account though, and that should help point people in the right direction as well. I can put it on my Instagram as my main link, so I don’t have to constantly switch the links depending which page I’m promoting in my post…


You can click there to see it if you want. It’s not especially exciting, but I am kind of excited about it, as it is a helpful tool.

The other thing I’m most excited about today is that I created a cover for my upcoming memoir. I’m gonna try to redo it with some different colors and hopefully a better drawing of the person at the machine, but I got this idea the other night and was excited that I was able to make it work, even if I have to do it over to make it a little better, I think it’s kinda cool…

“I Write the System To Fight the System So I Might Right the System”… coming out around the 20th anniversary of 9/11 if I self publish.

What else? I don’t really know. I gotta get back to the usual life later today, but it was nice to get a break.

I’m looking kinda vintage…

or do I mean old?

Thoughts On Nomadland and Some Of Its Lessons…

I just saw Nomadland tonight. It won Best Picture this year and starred one of my top 5 favorite actors, Francis McDormand. The director was the first woman of color to ever win. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, because I knew it would be somewhat depressing, and I heard it was slow, but it kept my attention with so many brilliant details about the unique people in the world we meet day to day.

While a few scenes led me to tears and there was an overall sadness to the situation everyone was in, as most people don’t become nomads if life is going great, there was a positivity to it as well… real people, just doing their best with whatever they can get their hands on, and surviving. I have friends who live this way. I talk to them when they have internet access, but they live in vans in little communities and it’s a real kind of life. The movie sort of reminded me of the 2014 Oren Moverman film “Time Out Of Mind”, starring Richard Gere as a homeless man in New York City. Ben Vereen was also in that, as was my friend Billy Hough, who played a street performer and his song rolled over the credits. “Time Out Of Mind” was a lot more depressing though. There was not much hope in that film at all, yet it was extremely realistic to the life of being a homeless addict in the city. There is one scene in “Time Out Of Mind”, which I would say is kind of the climax of a very slow film, where Ben Vereen, who played a homeless friend of Richard Gere’s character, tells Richard Gere’s character a story while they are out for a walk, discussing what it’s like to be homeless and invisible. Ben’s character tells him that he had a friend who he met on the street, and they were out drinking in the winter and his friend peed himself. Vereen’s character said he helped his friend change into some other pants so he wouldn’t freeze, and he was helping him take off his boots, to find that his homeless friend who just wet himself had several checks made out to him for hundreds of dollars each, tucked into his boots. Vereen’s character said he asked his friend “Why don’t you cash these? Get an apartment! Why are you on the street?” and his friend replied with something like “I’m not worth it. I don’t deserve it.” The story was sort of a peak in the movie, bringing it all together, and that story is actually a true story of someone both Billy and I once knew, who was homeless for a long time. The guy who had the checks stashed into his boots and who told our friend that he didn’t deserve the money actually killed himself the day after our friend found the checks. That part wasn’t mentioned in the film, yet that movie was a lot slower and more depressing than Nomadland. The characters in Nomadland were brilliant glimpses of real people who all still seemed to have a spark left inside them, even if depressed. My friend informed me tonight that many of the characters were played by the actual people they were based on, and I think that definitely added something powerful to the film, because they did seem a lot more real than Hollywood actors usually do.

The relationship between Francis McDormand’s character and her sister in the movie reminded me a bit of my relationship with my sisters and the sadness and guilt I have for going crazy and doing that to all of us in some sense. I also related to the part about how we end up seeing people we lose down the road; maybe months later, maybe years, maybe in different lifetimes, but we always catch up with the people we’ve met and who enter our hearts. It made me think about my mental health worker and how she’s leaving, and I’m still so sad about that, but I’ve lost touch with others who have come back into my life after a few years. Sometimes it takes 25 years before someone is meant to come back, sometimes more than that, but they do. My papa has came back to me after his death… my nana too actually, and some of my friends who died as well. They just leave me little messages in some way or another, and they’re always out there somewhere, to meet again. Everyone we meet is. It’s part of how the universe operates.

There was also something in Nomadland about a woman who was dying. She hoped that people would remember her. It made me think of what it’s like to die when you don’t have anyone to remember you. I think to some degree, being remembered is hugely important to me. It made me think about how I’ve published my trilogy, and soon an autobiography about my life, and how once I do so, it’s out there in the world, for people to read and to remember me and my story. That made me feel good. Obviously I hope I’ll get more readers for this next book, and I know that’s gonna be hard to do since it’s not my debut. A lot of my potential fans have already given up on me since my trilogy didn’t blow up and this next book is struggling to find representation as well. I do feel fairly confident that people will see improvements in the writing and story telling, but will it be enough to get me to the next level of being able to do it for a living? I don’t know. Either way, it will be read, and it will be around, probably long after I die, and that’s kinda awesome and helps me feel better about those fears.

I would give Nomadland a solid A rating. I might not re-watch it many times, but definitely worth seeing.

Here is a picture of the shirt I have on today…


Mac and Cheese Pizza & Good News After Another Heartbreaking Day

I got some bad news today that I kind of saw coming, even though it might not be as bad as I thought, it might be. My favorite mental health worker is leaving her position and moving to a different position on the same team. It may end up being that nothing much changes between us, but it might mean that we won’t be working together anymore. I’ve sort of been waiting on this news and somewhat prepared to hate her for hurting me if she went about it the way others have, after we’ve become so close. I went through several workers in a few short years, and one worker who left around this time five years ago who absolutely broke my heart because she promised to keep in touch, but didn’t. It was a messy thing though, I won’t lie. It was partly her fault for all the boundaries she was breaking at a time when I was extremely lonely and broken, and I thought she cared about me and maybe even liked me in a romantic way. Obviously that was where things were partly mine to blame, although I never did anything inappropriate, but I think she knew how I felt and I honestly thought she felt the same, because of how close she got to me… but that was 5 years ago, and I went through several workers since her and tried so hard not to allow myself to fall for one ever again. And I’m not in love with my worker who’s leaving now. I don’t feel romantic feelings towards her and I know she doesn’t for me, but I still kind of love her as a person in a way that one would grow to love anyone who helped them so much in 3 years time, nevermind a person like her, who I clicked with immediately in our first phone call. I knew after our first 15 minute conversation that this day was going to come and it was gonna feel like hell, and I’ve been sobbing all day. I don’t know what’ll come of it though and I know the last thing she wants to do is hurt me or even leave me. She is fighting to keep me, so I appreciate that and don’t hate her, but I’m feeling a lot of sadness. When we first met, I was stepping out into the world for the first time as an adult, just about to turn forty years old after a life of being broken, and I was doing great, but within just a couple months of us meeting, I fell into a deep psychosis that lasted months. I was on bed-rest, completely miserable, and we texted every day and she came to see me every week. She was the first, and still the only one of my workers to read my first book in its entirety, and she was the one to encourage me to publish it, which was something I severely feared for far too long. She helped me through 7 months of feeling so fucking terrible that I was almost ready to give up, but she encouraged me every day and she loved my art and my songs and let me practice in front of her. I could tell that she was honestly impressed by me and that I made her job more enjoyable and worth doing, to see me recover and publish my books and perform and show my art. It made me feel good to have someone in the system that actually believed in me and who saw the artist I was and thought the world would wanna know me too. She helped me believe in myself and helped me survive one of the most difficult times of my life. I’d just achieved so much of what I always wanted after a life of being broken, and doing so broke me again, and it looked like I might lose it all, but I came back even harder and I have her to thank, but I don’t know if I’m losing her and I don’t know how to feel about it, except sad that this is how it always seems to be. I still think about Stacey and Elisa, Celie, Miss K, Robin, Michelle, Joanne, Leah, Caitlin, Leslie, Ana, Pat, etc. There are so many people who once saved me and meant the world to me as teachers and therapists that I’ve lost and my heartbreak is real. I miss them terribly. I hate that I’m forced to let go of so many great people. I felt like when she left, I was gonna tell her to fuck off, and that I’d hate her and even possibly quit therapy, because I can’t keep taking this kind of loss… but maybe she’ll be one of the ones to stick by me, as I do also have a list of people who once meant the world to me and are still in my life in a different way. They still mean a lot to me, but since they’re no longer employed to work for me, I have good boundaries and they’ve become like other friends in my life who I just talk to once in awhile. It still means a lot that they’re out there and part of my world. I hope she’ll remain in my world because she’s an awesome person who I’ll always have love for. It’s hard to think about getting to know someone else, and I’m sad and hurt but I’ll be okay.

I decided that for a little food therapy, I’d try the macaroni and cheese pizza from Za. There are two pizza places in my town that put pasta on pizza, and I thought it sounded like too much carbs and not particularly appealing, but some people love it and the one at Za has caramelized onions, which I also like, so I thought I’d try it. I mean, I do like macaroni and cheese and pizza.

It was good, but I probably won’t get it again. They have a great chicken and veggie pizza I like there too. Just as good, and probably a lot healthier, but this was fun to try.

As for the good news, my mom got her blood-work back today and she’s still cancer-free for 5 years now! That is definitely happy news! And while it’s not looking great for my memoir being published, I haven’t heard from everyone yet, and even if I self publish again, it has a chance to succeed if the right people read it. I know the writing is better than The Godchild books and it’s getting even better as I do more edits. The big craft fair at my mental health center will be a perfect place to sell the book along with some stickers and prints and stuff. Life is okay. I’m grateful for getting through it.

“I Feel the Saaaaaaame Way” & I’m All Shook Up

So, I have at least a couple white supremacist neighbors that I regularly have to encounter when I leave the apartment. They’re always asking me my business, looking at my mail or my car, and one of them told me he was being paid to watch me and I know he’s called the cops on every black friend I’ve had over. To say this is a problem is to put it lightly. I almost hit him once when he called my friends the N word, but he ran into the house before I could get to him. This was many years ago and I just give him nasty looks and/or ignore him when I see him now, but my car has been vandalized nine times since I’ve lived here, although that could have been my other haters, who are also racist, but I found a white supremacist sticker right in front of my building the other day. They are more common now in general since Trump made it acceptable. I also noticed a lot of racist and pro-Trump graffiti at the graffiti spot recently. At first I didn’t realize that was what it was, and once I did, I was disgusted by it. I used to feel like I lived in a pretty safe area, but now that so many people fueled by hate are gathering together in their like-minded anger at the liberals, black people and queers who took their beloved Trump out of power and wanna take some of the power away from police and billionaires, and others who are ruling the world, doing whatever the fuck they want, starting wars and getting away with it, people are angry because they’re employed by the corruption and being bad or an asshole is something they used to be proud of because it once gave them power. The way the world is shifting is really forcing people to choose a side of good or bad… people who care about other people, and people who only care about themselves. It’s getting easier to tell who is who in many cases, and the sides are already at war.

So, when I was taking out the trash the other night and I heard what sounded like a local white woman who smokes a couple packs of Marlboro’s a day yell out of nowhere, “I feel the saaaaaaaaaaaame way!”, I couldn’t help but feel scared. Those are the words of a white woman full of prejudice who just found her new prejudice best friend. Those are the words of someone who has just heard the words “Whenever I see that tranny faggot take out his trash, I wanna go over there and stab him.”….. “I feel the saaaaaaaaaaaame way!” It’s definitely not a comfort to hear in a Boston white woman accent when you’re alone out in the dark behind your apartment where you regularly have to deal with white supremacists, and now their graffiti. It doesn’t feel safe anymore.

Safe or not, here I am, a political queer, trans, intersex artist, writer, and crazy person who lived to tell a hell of a story, and I will keep on keeping on with it. I am kind of “feelin’ cute” as they say on Facebook so here is a selfie…

Coping With Stress and Anxiety To Get Through the Day.

I woke up depressed today. I think I managed not to scream at the cat, but I wasn’t in the mood to get up, yet had a therapy appointment. My stomach wasn’t feeling great either. I talked to my therapist for about an hour though, and it was okay. I kind of miss meeting in person, but I’m not in a rush to get back to the mental health center either, and it’s kind of a long drive. I miss when it was ten minutes away, but it’s not horrible either. It’s still totally doable, and I wouldn’t mind getting down there once or twice while the weather is nice. My therapist isn’t gonna be around much longer I don’t think… I mean as far as retirement goes. I’d think she’s at least thinking about doing so, and I don’t know what that’ll look like for me. She actually mentioned that a few staff members were leaving, but she said their names and I don’t think I know them; at least by name, but I’ve been with my therapist for over a decade now and I’m wondering how much longer she’ll be there, as well as my other workers. Usually they leave every few years, and it can be incredibly heartbreaking for me, so I try to prepare for it

I’ve been kind of anxious lately and needed an anxiety pill to sleep along with lots of Indica weed. The picture below is a photo that captures that…

“If I wasn’t Bob Dylan, I’d probably think that Bob Dylan has a lot of answers myself” – Bob Dylan

and here is some music to leave you with…

New Art Show, Throwback Photos & Plans To Move My Posts To This Blog

Right now almost no one reads this blog because of the way I have it set up through another web host. I have 2 blogs to my name through WordPress and my old account is the one that lets me connect with other users. This one does not, so my only readers are people who see it posted on my Facebook or happen to stumble on it through the internet. I shared it with a few people specifically as well, like some of the agents I sent queries out to. This is obviously not the ideal setup and needs to be fixed, but I’m also having issues with Facebook algorithms, especially now that I’ve increased my friend count by about 300%. Back when I had only 350 friends, I’d get dozens of likes on my art and important posts about stuff going on, but now I don’t usually get as many unless I post them in smaller groups. Most of the stuff that goes onto my wall goes unseen now, unless it’s of extreme importance and I tag people, like I will do when I put out my book. I’ve wondered if part of the problem is that I post too much; and I know I do. I also post a lot of personal stuff and I’m open and honest in a way that often makes bad people hate me with a passion, and no doubt, with nearly 1000 friends now and the way I post on Facebook, I already have some haters. I’m thinking it’s time to change my privacy settings for what people can see as the scroll. Most won’t go out of their way to visit my blog whether they love me or hate me, but I am hoping that the people who find inspiration from my daily posts about what I’ve done, what helped me through the day, what I cooked/ate, what I’m grateful for, and all that daily shit I usually do will tune in here. I hope to put everything into one big post per day from now on, to the best of my ability. I’ll probably continue to shitpost memes a little bit for humor or inspiration, but I’m gonna aim to move the majority of what I do to my blog, in hopes of getting more of my friends and fans reading my blog rather than letting everything I write on Facebook be owned by Zuckerburg. My privacy has already been invaded in every way. I’ll never feel fully safe from the possibilities of how technology may be able to fuck me over big time after everything I’ve given them over the last 25 years. Anonymity is too late for me, but since most people are lazy, including my haters, I’d like to make it a little less easy for them to have so much access to me, in their daily scrolling at the very least.

That was me at OOTB Gallery the other day.

I read a poem when I went over to The Armory the other day for the first day of my exhibit “Falling Apart, Breaking, and Putting Myself Back Together Through Art”. Please read more about that here. It’s happening at The Armory in Somerville, MA for all of May and June.


My new show at The Armory currently has 25 of my best photos from 2005-2010. I’ve been taking photos since I was a kid, but I don’t have a camera other than my phone these days. I found a bunch of random photos on Facebook, all taken this past week on different years going back about twelve years ago. Here are some of my favorites from that collection…

And here is a painting I did last year, today…

I have a video of me painting it too…

As for other stuff, it’s been a slow week for me but I’m getting through it. I decided to do another edit of my recent memoir; the one I’ve been sending out. I’m still hoping that I’ll get good news for it, but I think if it does get accepted, they’ll probably ask me to go over it at least one more time anyway. I don’t know. Of course, now that I’m editing it and fixing all this stuff to improve it, I feel like maybe I should have been more patient and done a few more edits before I sent it to every agent I could find. I’ll keep that in mind next time if it takes yet another book to get me professionally published, but I intend to get there. I’ve had terrible writing habits from longterm use of social media blogging, and switching it all over to my blog will be good writing practice and hopefully make me appear more professional overall. I also wonder if I should get a Twitter, as that is the only social media service that the agents ever ask about, and I never got into it, nor do I even know how to use it. It’s hard starting from the bottom, but I know I have a lot further to climb and that it takes more time, but I have it in me.

Here’s some music to enjoy…


Wicked Cliche’ Art Show Opening At The Armory and More…

My art show has officially begun! I was over at The Armory (191 Highland Ave in Somerville) to see my new exhibit at Out Of the Blue Gallery yesterday for the Somerville Open Studios, which was also going on.


in front of my recent painting that was just added to the new performance space going up.

I enjoyed my visit with Parama, and we made a few short videos of me talking about some of the photos I have hanging in a basement hallway.

You can read more about my two part art show here…


As for other stuff going on, I got the new blue curtains up on Friday. I was able to put up the orange ones on my own on Monday, but had to wait until Friday to get help with the blue ones…

My cat is the little princess who rules the kingdom…

I had to back out of the Jam’n Java Open Mic this coming Friday because I have too much going on, and right now, that’s affecting my mental health in a way that could potentially ruin my career forever, and seeing as I don’t even really have a career, but hope to get one, that’s not ideal. It’s best I don’t put myself under pressure to perform right now. I was grateful I didn’t have too many issues talking about my photography on camera though. I was shocked when I saw the videos that I wasn’t hating myself terribly other than the angle on my face, but what can you do?

I’ve been busy all week cleaning, writing queries and artist statements, playing keyboard, cooking, watching GOT, and getting together ideas for an art show I was invited to be part of through DMH (Department of Mental Health). It’s more of a craft fair with items for $20 and under, but they said I could bring my books, stickers, and t-shirts, and it’ll be a great opportunity to get my books out to the right kind of audience, since they’re about my mental illness. I’m excited about that. I also sold another poetry and art book and got a satisfied customer review on another one I sent out to someone named Suli Nee up in Alaska. She took this picture of it…

I actually just recently changed the cover, but she makes the old cover look great with that display. Here is the new cover…

And since April 23rd was World Book Day, here are the rest of my books…

You can find all my books on Amazon and at Out Of the Blue Gallery on the top floor of The Armory.

I took a few pictures and did a little art…

This new painting is 8×10 and $50 and I can ship it.

I also threw these ingredients together with some chicken and scallions….

and made this…

And I was listening to Syd Barrett last night, so here is something from him (the original singer from Pink Floyd who took too much acid and lost his mind)…

And I also found my Luscious Jackson CD, so let’s hear some 90’s female alternative hip hop rock stars…

That’s it for tonight. Enjoy.

Gratitude, Stickers, A Clean Apartment, and Classic Hip Hop Duo’s Album Anniversaries

The moon was so pretty tonight! I was grateful for it, and the sunrise yesterday morning…

Neither photo comes close to capturing how beautiful it truly was though. They were gifts from the Universe.

I’ve spent the entire month cleaning and organizing in a way I haven’t done since I was in my early 20’s. I don’t know if I’ve ever done it in this apartment, and I’ve lived here for 16 or more years now… basically since the beginning of my transition. I’ve done some major cleaning, many times, but it’s been at least a decade since I’ve gone through it like this. Part of the reason I didn’t do it was because I knew I’d come across a lot of old papers that I wouldn’t be ready to cope with. I still need to go through them even more, but at least now I’m at a point where I can face what I find. It’s still been triggering though. I won’t say I was 100% ready for it, even now. I’ve been having some mental health attacks, feeling crazy and out of control and I’m not enjoying it but I suspect it’s temporary. A lot of the stuff I found was a comfort though. In fact, more so than the opposite, so I was glad to get a look at what I still have, because I always kept it with the intent to use it in some way… stuff like poems, art, photos, collages, books, letters, awards, report cards, etc… Well, I didn’t save my report cards; fuck those… but my alternative school did something called “evaluations” instead of report cards with letter grades. They wrote sent our parents or guardians a written report/evaluation of how we were doing, what we were good at, and what needed improvement. They were full of kindness from teachers that mostly all loved me. They mean a lot…certainly more than a generic report card.

Anyway, long story short (too late), I spent all month cleaning as much as I could, and then I got a couple cleaners who help people with disabilities and they spent 2 hours sweeping and washing all my floors Monday, doing the entire bathroom, and cleaning out a cabinet, plus taking out some heavy trash. When they left, I put all my stuff back on the shelves and hung my new orange curtains… Here are a few highlights

You can see I have a lot of art. I also collect stickers. I know I have a lot of sticker collecting friends too. Here are some of mine…

I’m just listening to some music now. I’ve been re-watching Game Of Thrones, I started querying a couple agents for my children’s book, and I changed the cover of my second poetry and art book, which I’ve been meaning to do for months because I hate the original cover, which was a close up of the picture I changed it to, but not zoomed in so much. It makes a huge difference.

I signed up for the next Jam’n Java Open Mic through Zoom, because I hope to announce my art show at The Armory before I perform, although I’m worried about stage fight due to these recent mental illness symptoms I’m fighting, but I’m gonna do my best. I should be fine. I also signed up to be part of a committee meeting through zoom to talk about a roadmap for behavioral health reform in the Massachusetts public mental health system. It’s been a busy day. I still wanna play keyboard for a good fifteen minutes and then wind down with a record.

Speaking of records though, a couple of the greatest hip hop albums of all time had some anniversaries this week.

The Infamous Mobb Deep from April 25th 1995. This duo of rappers Prodigy and Havoc from NY came up in the time of Wu Tang, Nas, Biggie, and other East Coast gangsta rappers. Mobb Deep is probably my favorite gangsta rap duo or group. This is a perfect album in many ways…

And then “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik” by Outkast from April 26th, 1994. I might not even be the hip hop addict I am today if it weren’t for Outkast. They are from Georgia. Big Boi and Andre 3000. This was their debut album…

That’s it! Goodnight and good morning!