I wanted to post about Gift Of Gab, who died the other day. He was in the underground hip hop group Blackalicious, whose music helped spark my interest in hip hop, which is now my favorite genre of the last 20 years. I’ve always used Blackalicious music to convert my friends who think hip hop sucks into thinking it might be something they could actually appreciate if they knew where to find more real talent like it. You can’t listen to Gift Of Gab and say “Anyone could do that.” He was brilliant, and it was a sad day for me that even led to tears as I thought about how shitty it was that he was so underappreciated and that most of the world had no idea what a brilliant artist we lost. I didn’t see anyone except my friends from the Hip Hop Vinyl Spinners group even say anything about him that day. It’s sad, and he was young. It’s a major loss. I found him to be a Top 5 rapper. Without a doubt, one of the best… so I’m gonna share this photo of my Blackalicious record on my turntable and recommend a few songs to check out. RIP Gift Of Gab!
This first one is especially cool and one of their most well known, partly because Daniel Radcliff rapped it on Jimmy Fallon once, but Daniel Radcliff picked the song to impress.
This one samples the song “Me and My Arrow” from the animated film “The Point“, sung by Harry Nilsson.
and this is just one more I like…
I hope you took the time to watch these. Goodbye to one of my biggest influences.
The Wicked Cliche Art Show, “Falling Apart, Breaking, And Putting Myself Back Together Through Art” was yesterday and it was a hit. We had a lot of fun and helped raise some money for Out Of the Blue Art Gallery/Parma Chai Gallery at The Armory in Somerville.
I’ve had an especially rough week, but the show made it worth the effort. Here are some photos
There were actually a bunch of other people there who I forgot to take pictures of, including my therapist who I actually haven’t seen in person in over a year, so that was nice.
And here’s a short video of my 25 pieces in the hallway…
I took this picture of my altar, which I’ve had since 1992
and I found these Menotomy Rocks…
I grabbed one as a gift for my sister’s 40th birthday and one for my boyfriend who’s visiting at the end of July, and I left the rest…
I’ve been doing some editing and I sent my book out to a few friends to look at and haven’t heard from any of them yet, so part of me is worried they think the book is terrible, but I’m pretty sure they’re just busy with other things.
Unfortunately it’s getting to be hot as fuck and will be for a few days, so here is a little music to chill too. The King of Emo..
I’ve been living with Bipolar Disorder and Complex PTSD for most of my life, and one of the most common things about people with Complex PTSD is that we’ve often been given at least ten other diagnoses, and I have been…
The other day when I went to the doctor over my high pulse and stress, she asked me if I was ever diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. She was very nice and was asking a number of questions, so I told her, yes, that I have been diagnosed but that I don’t believe I was born with a personality disorder. I do think BPD is real and there are people who have that, and I do know I have a few of the symptoms, and used to have a lot more, but that’s the thing… a person with a personality disorder can’t really recover, yet with DBT, I believe the majority of us who are misdiagnosed as Borderline as a result of trauma CAN, and I have in most ways, but I’ve been extremely stressed and triggered lately because the way things are going, my needs are being put last and forgotten about, as per usual because I’m a poor, trans, mentally ill, unemployed person on disability and section 8 who’s at the bottom of society with no money or power or anything giving me any upper hand. I’ve spent my life as a professional lab rat and psych patient and I’ve been destroyed in the process.
When my doctor asked me that the other day, I started asking myself “Why did she ask that? What did I do that made her ask that? Was it my tone of voice? My mania? The fact that I talked so openly about my trauma like it was nothing?” I felt like I’d done something wrong and fucked up for her to ask that. Sometimes I wonder if I DO have BPD since I feel like my life has been a challenge since day one and that people have always been working against me, and that type of belief is common in people with BPD, but let’s examine MY Day 1 in this world. What happened to me that day? My fucking dick was cut off! Okay, so if that’s not traumatic enough, from that very moment on, I was basically brainwashed by my family and society to believe I was a girl, which never felt right, and when I came out about being trans, my family said I brought shame on them and many of them wanted me dead. Then, when I began getting locked up against my will for asking my family questions about my intersex condition that they didn’t wanna answer, they called the cops on me just for asking questions and had me locked up where I was tortured, beaten, and sexually assaulted by staff members who wouldn’t allow me to use the men’s room. Then, when I began saying that I thought there were gangs working in almost every type of position throughout the system (because I know for a fact there are) I was given the diagnosis of Borderline, and when I started pointing out who was actually working for the gangs, I got diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and yeah if you don’t know what I know you probably think I’m crazy to say these things about gangsters in the system, but the best way to explain what they do is basically Matt Damon’s character in The Departed. In that movie, he is working for the police, and there are absolutely gangsters working for the police, but the police in and of themselves are a gang to begin with, so that’s not the best example…. but the same way the Mob payed Matt Damon’s character to work as a cop to get inside information, there are secretaries, social workers, hospital staff, janitors, nurses, doctors, security guards, teachers, and others inside the system who are being paid extra to do some illegal inside investigating along with their jobs. I’m not crazy to think this and I’m not a liar or delusional, but I’ve been given these diagnoses to take away the power of my word. All anyone has to say is “he’s crazy” or actually, they often say “she’s crazy” just to piss me off extra, but that is all they have to say. It’s been used against me when I was beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted, & harassed. I tried to report it as they said was my right but the staff who did it said I was crazy and that was that. Their word over mine. The police do it to me too. I have absolutely no power except to tell my life story, and that’s what I have done in my books, and why I’m a little paranoid for my safety and afraid to go out. I’ve been scooped up off the street by cops for no reason except that my parents were looking for me and I was locked up for months and nearly sent to a state hospital for two years… so to be asked “Have you ever been diagnosed Borderline?” has me buggin’ the more that I thought about it. Like, I was literally born both male and female, which is as common as being born with red hair. Did you hear that? Yes, it’s THAT common, and yet we have been completely erased from society. Our existence is not acknowledged and when we start to question the extreme corruption going on and the fact that wars are being fought over this issue without it ever being talked about or acknowledged and I’m in the middle of it all, and was born into it, hated by so many from the day I was born, as if I had been marked by the devil, but IIIIIIII have a personality disorder????? I’m sorry but I just don’t agree.
In other news though, here are some photos I took today. I’ve been trying to slow myself down and not do too much so I don’t explode, but it’s been a rough ride lately and I can’t help but feel a bit angry.
This last picture is me cheering for the Red Sox who I can’t watch right now cuz I don’t have cable, but I’m hoping to watch them in the playoffs and World Series.
The days have been a challenge and I can only hope that means better times are on their way. I haven’t been my best self lately.
I went to the doctor on Thursday to get an EKG and some blood tests. There doesn’t seem to be any huge concerns other than my sugar being a little high, but they want me to come back soon and do a stress test in a couple months.
I stopped on the way home to mail about 40 press kits and drove by Spy Pond where the sun was sparkling on the water. I’m still struggling to get out. I really should have driven around or went for a walk to take pictures, but I’m struggling with agoraphobia and institutionalization after being kept indoors almost two of the last three years.
I took some photos when I was out, and when I got home, I found that the free editing program I’ve been using was no longer working on my phone. Technically the app went down in 2018, but it still worked on my phone until the other day. I asked for suggestions of good free photo editing apps and was told to try Snapseed and PicsArt, so I gave them a go.
These were the photos I took…
Jymi Cliche in a johnny
I thought that one was kind of cool with the grunge effect. It would make a cool book cover for a psych ward book.
That same day, my parents went to the beach and my mom sent me a picture of her wrapped in the towel I gave her for Mother’s Day from my Wicked Cliche Store.
I did some work on the Wicked Cliche Creative Friends page that features art by a very diverse group of artist from around the world who I call friends.
Please check that out.
I got a gift in the mail from my friend who makes soap. She’s listed last on the Creative Friends page under WickedSoftOrganics. This is the Trans flag one.
I listened to my favorite Nas album, God’s Son on vinyl.
and I cooked this delicious meal….
I cheated and got pre-made sour cream and chive mashed potatoes, but I made the chicken which had salt, pepper, and fresh thyme on it, and was cooked in a sauce made from honey, pineapple juice, Dijon mustard, garlic, and cornstarch, plus pineapple chunks and cashews. It was delicious and easy. I’ll do it again for sure.
Here’s an inspiring song from the God’s Son album by Nas…
Happy Juneteenth, if you can really say that. It seems more like it was made a holiday to shut people up while actual actions to fix systematic racism are not being taken.
I haven’t made a blog entry in about a week. It’s been a rough one. I believe in my last entry, I tried to keep the focus on what I was grateful for, and I don’t wanna get carried away with the negatives now either.
I’ve been very busy; so much so that I’m kind of concerned for my mental and physical health. It’s been a real challenge, and lately my health CARE has been the main cause in making my health WORSE, and seeing how I have a history of that, like being sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured, experimented on, drugged, lied to, laughed at, etc. by my health care workers at times over the years, I find it very triggering when my health care is the cause of my stress. To be a professional psych patient for thirty years is not a great life. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to be blessed with many amazing people in my life who help bring me some joy, just as I am blessed to be the type of person who is easily self contained. Give me something to write and draw with, an instrument to play with, a book I’ll like, a good movie, or access to a variety of music, and I’m good for entertainment for awhile. A combination of all those things, and you may never see me again, as has been the case this year. Unfortunately I do need a lot more social time than I’m getting. With as much stress as my old friends used to cause me, I hardly had any rage for all those years when we were hanging out, other than a few times here and there. It seems like so much more the last few years since I kicked them all out of my life and began to put my own life together.
I guess being an artist in a gallery can be extremely stressful for me unfortunately, and all the other stuff I’ve taken on since choosing to give my life an honest shot. Plus, I had a full blown psychosis breakdown just a couple years ago, not long after the art gallery moved from Medford, which was accessible to me, to Allston and Cambidge, which is not. The fact that we may be losing the new gallery in Somerville which is extremely accessible, and forced back into the space in Allston is not helping my stress. The fact that everything regarding our space at The Armory went to shit right before the show I spent five months preparing for and putting a lot of my stimulus money into didn’t help my stress either. Speaking of which, please sign and share this petition.
Other stuff has been stressful too though, as I plan to put out another book that I’m hoping will have more success than The Godchild Trilogy which was not a total failure, all things considered, but I feel I have the potential to do much better, and this next book could reach a lot of people, and my family may not like it, similar to The Godchild, which I was afraid I’d be disowned because of. While that didn’t happen, and the world didn’t end, like I also feared, I don’t know if that was just because of how few people have read it so far. I don’t know if I do end up having some success and begin to get read, if that’ll affect things differently. I suppose things will probably be okay, but I worry. I also mentioned my sister was in the ER last week for a heart issue, and I’ve been having them too, and my pulse was extremely high when the nurse was here the other day. I’ve made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow though, as well as with my psychiatrist and nutritionist. I also weighed myself the other day and I’ve gone down a few more pounds in just a few weeks. I continue to be heading in the right direction with that on a slow but steady pace.
I realized that this month is 25 years since I graduated high school in 1996, from Beacon High/New Perspectives in Coolidge Corner Brookline, in a class of eleven kids, which was the record for the largest graduating class there at the time, yet was doubled with 22 kids the next year, I believe. There were only 44 kids in the whole school, and many never finished. I loved the school, but my last year there was rough after gaining over 100 pounds from psych meds, and a number of traumas and hospital visits and loss of friends and other difficult shit…
Here is a picture of me at my graduation party in 1996 where I was smiling because I was surrounded by friends and family who were celebrating me, but I was extremely sad and chronically suicidal, and on the right is a pic taken a couple days ago, when I was grumpy due to some recent stress, but am overall a much happier person now.
I got away for a few days of sunshine with the family this weekend…
Moo was demanding attention when I got home
I am grateful for my few days away, the good food, sun, fresh air, family time, and my dad got my car inspected for me with a new sticker before I even woke up.
I’m getting lots of work done on the web site, I’ve spent hours working on press kits, I’ve been eating mostly healthy but delicious food, I’m getting support from all kinds of people in all kinds of ways, and life really isn’t that bad, even with all the stress and the recent symptoms that have been bothering me.
One of the ways someone helped me this week was something that I didn’t even need, but I thought I’d ask for help if anyone didn’t mind. My friend Luke went to Newbury Comics and picked up a record I wanted from Record Store Day, and I am now the proud owner of a limited copy of “Peace Beyond Passion” by MeShell Ndgeocello who was one of the only openly queer artists in the 90’s. I love this album, and she is in my top 5 bass players along with Flea, Roger Waters, Victor Wooten, and Les Claypool.
I will leave you with a song from the album and wish you a good rest of the week…
I have a lot to be grateful for, despite the last few days which have been kind of awful. I won’t get into it all right now but my anxiety and stress are through the roof and the shit that’s been happening is not fair to me and it’s my life story and I’m tired of it. It’s a constant fight that gets me seemingly nowhere. BUT this entry is going to concentrate on some of what I’m grateful for, because although I said I’d throw these last couple days away, there was actually some good too.
June is Pride month and I found a few of these old photos from Boston Pride in the 90’s. Fun times with old friends, most of whom are still in my life.
I got this mask in the mail the other day. I bought a set of 2 Bob Dylan masks for my dad for Father’s Day, but I know he wouldn’t wear this one. I dunno if he’ll even wear the one I’m giving him, but I kept this one and took a selfie in the heat…
I made some new stickers for my press kits and sold 2 packs of 6.
And I got my pack of 250 stickers of my logo in the mail and they came out better than expected…
I texted about 50 people for addresses to send press kits to and got to talk to all kinds of people I hadn’t really talked to much, some of whom are interested in the book, so that is good news!
I started editing “I Write the System” by reading it aloud because that’s something highly recommended to people who edit their own books, and it’s been great, because for one thing, I can tell how it’s far better writing than The Godchild and everything flows naturally and sounds great, but there were a few very minor things that I definitely wouldn’t have even noticed were wrong if I hadn’t read it aloud, so I think it’s gonna be worth doing. I’ve also been trying to figure out what chapters I might be able to read from it if I were gonna do a book reading, and I found a couple so far that I think might work. It’s been good to get that done.
This gift to myself also came yesterday, which cheered me up. I can’t afford to buy myself much other than a couple little things under ten bucks, but I put most of my money towards stuff I hope will turn into money coming back to me at some point, like the stickers, envelopes, printer ink, and stamps for my press kit and I’m thinking of buying my own ISBN numbers for my future books rather than using the free one on Amazon that keeps you limited to them for life. Unfortunately it’s $200 for one ISBN or $300 for ten, so it makes sense to go for ten since I already have plans for three book releases in the next year and I especially don’t wanna get stuck with Amazon for the children’s book because I heard the quality of their children’s picture books aren’t great….but, I can’t afford $300 for anything right now so I’m hoping to ask for the money as an early birthday present. But yeah, this Funko Pop of Hitchcock was too cool. I still wanna direct a film some day and he was one of my earliest influences.
What else? It’s hot as fuck, for one thing. I need a vacation from the stress.
BUT I’m grateful to be alive. I got my medicine and took a cold bath with my pride soap, I have the AC in the bedroom, music playing, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, friends, family, etc. Speaking of family, my sister helped me learn how to do something new with my web site. I’m using it on this page. I’ve been reading from an incredibly helpful list I got on LinkedIn about how to make a web site that actually gets seen. Obviously that’s the goal of making a site, but of course it isn’t easy… at all, but I’ve already learned a few things and redid the front page if you wanna check it out here.
That’s all folks.
Here’s a random song I’m in love with for the road…
I was planning to do some more writing for my re-write of “The Godchild” but I ended up being kind of lazy, talking to my boyfriend and some friends on Facebook. I was gonna make more stickers too, and I may later. I did manage to cook dinner and took out the trash without getting mauled by a coyote or bobcat even though they’re all over town and there’s definitely something living out by my dumpster. I feel like I’m in “12 Monkey’s”, in more ways than just that, but that too. If you don’t know “12 Monkey’s” I’m referring to the Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt Sci-Fi/Mind-Fuck film from the 90’s. I highly recommend it and Sci-Fi isn’t my favorite genre…Mind-Fuck, on the other hand, kind of is.
I wasn’t eaten by any animals though and I definitely got a few things done, but I’m thinking of spending the night watching “Stand By Me”. A number of my friends have mentioned it lately and it got me thinking about how when I was a kid, I related to the main character and how he was a writer. I saw his adult character and thought “That’s gonna be me some day, writing about my adventures as a kid!” and then recently while writing “I Write the System”, my autobiography that focuses on my childhood and teen years, there were moments I thought to myself “I’m just like the guy in ‘Stand By Me’ now!” and so I think I wanna give it a watch. It’s been many, many years since I’ve seen it and it’s a brilliant film. Not only that, I’m reading “On Writing” by Stephen King right now.
These are the stickers I made the other night and hope to make more of…
and here are the ones I sold recently. My friend Shawn got the package and took the photo…
I got an email today saying the pack of 250 stickers I bought with my logo have been shipped. I hope I like them.
My friend Janina took this picture of her cat sitting on my books…
I’m ahead of schedule with my re-write of “The Godchild” and putting my press kits together for “I Write the System”, so I’ve even started putting some thought into how I’m gonna go about the fiction book I’m planning to write. I’m excited to attempt something kind of new.
I made this for dinner tonight…
I got some Bubba Kush the other day which is an old favorite Indica strain I used to get on the street from time to time. If they said it was Bubba Kush or OG Kush or Sour Diesel, or Pineapple or whatever; basically if it had a name, that was usually good news that it wasn’t mids. It’s 100% Indica though, so that’s fairly intense to begin with, and then I recently found this hookah-like pipe for super cheap and I love smoking from this kind of thing but if I put too much in the bowl, which is fucking huge, it gets me more high than I’m generally used to these days. But I wasn’t nearly as high as my neighbors who were out in the parking lot taking bong rips and coughing their lungs out, although I could tell by the way he was talking that he also either just shot up or drank an obscene amount of alcohol, because weed doesn’t fuck you up like that.
I’ve had a busy week with lots of appointments and working hours a day on the book, plus I went through my friend list which only had 350 friends when I released “The Godchild” and I now have 1100 friends as of the past year. I tried to pick out the people I feel like I’ve got to know best, especially if they’re trans or non-binary or artists or whatever, and I wrote down all the names of people I felt like I’d feel comfortable messaging to ask for their mailing address. I found about 65 people. I had about 100 addresses from before, but I’m not gonna send to half of them who showed no interest the first time, yet the other half would likely buy another book… a least maybe half of them anyway, plus I will hopefully have about 65 new people to send to who haven’t read my other stuff but might read the new book if I ask them to. It seems like I have a decent chance of doing as well, if not hopefully better than the first time around. I have a few tricks up my sleeve this time and new things I’ve learned. I’m gonna give it my best shot.
I got my proofs for the stickers I ordered. They’re gonna have this design on them…
I should’ve ordered the next size up for an extra $10 because they’re not actually as big as the full sticker due to the dimensions. I can’t tell how high quality they’re gonna be either, but they’re only a couple inches wide… Still, they’re kind of cool and should get the job done for far less money than the other sticker places I looked into.
I also got my printer working. I had a pretty good start to my day but got some news that worried me with someone I love in the hospital and there was nothing I could do about it. I thought I’d try to make myself feel better by putting together the new ink and getting the printer going again, but it wouldn’t accept my new ink because the old ink wasn’t done, but the old ink was dry and not printing after a year of not using it. Of course that sent me into an extreme panic state because I was already upset about the person I love being in the ER and thought fixing the printer would make me feel better, but of course instead made me feel worse when it didn’t work. I had to work hard to calm myself down. I felt like I wouldn’t feel better until I fixed the printer, but I didn’t think I’d be able to, so I was buggin’.
I googled how to fix it but the info I got was for another printer model that didn’t apply, but it mentioned trying to unclog the passageway in the old ink cartridge where the ink came out, and so I did that with my finger and it worked, but now I’m covered in ink.
I printed one copy of my press release and realized I wanna change it from third person to first person POV. I wrote it in 3rd person as that’s something I’ve been taught to do for artist statements as well as the occasional agent I send a query will ask for my bio to be in 3rd person, so I thought the press release maybe should be, but after reading it, I decided to put it in first. As far as the person I’m worried about, they’re okay from what I can tell and being cared for, so hopefully everything will be okay.
I spent tonight kind of taking it easy. I had to make three trips downstairs after several days of rain and pain and I decided to put off my laundry because I could tell it would be too much for me. I still have a few clean things left and don’t have anywhere I really need to be.
I talked to my new worker today and there’s a possibility I may meet her next week, but I’m not sure yet. I need someone to deliver my meds and so I figured I’d see if she wanted to do so on the day we’re supposed to talk next.
I spent a lot of time going through my Facebook friends list tonight… Now that I have 1100 friends it’s a lot to go through them all, but I did, and I wrote down all the names of people I’ve met in the last year who I’ve either become good friends with or at least talked to a few times and feel like I can set them apart from the others in some way… and also, only if I think they’ll like the book. I found about 65 people that I’m gonna reach out to and ask for their mailing address to send free stickers, my business card, and 1 page about my upcoming book. I also already have about 100 addresses from when I sent out press kits for The Godchild, but I went through that list and eliminated people who showed no interest last time, and cut the list down to about 42 people from before, so I have just over 100 people again, and a lot of these people are better candidates for taking an interest in the subject matter, so hopefully it’ll all be worth the time and effort again. I’ve already printed 20 copies. All I have to buy now is a couple sheets of stamps and then I need to make stickers too. I think I’m gonna make a few tonight before bed.
Here’s a song from the record I listened to tonight, “Dead Serious” by Das Efx from 1992. This is “They Want EFX”
It is FUCKING FREEZING! Can’t believe this was me just a couple days ago in 90 degree weather…
Today I am in layered shirts and sweat-pant shorts and I took like 12 hot baths cuz I am so damn cold and my body aches!
I saw my parents early in my day, got my printer working with my dad’s help, but need new ink, filled out 20 pages of paperwork to prove I’m still disabled, got Panera for dinner, and started working on re-writing the first 1/3 of “The Godchild”. Everyone who read past the first 1/3 agreed that most of the book was exciting, easy to read, and hard to put down, but a lot of people put it down a lot or completely before they got that far and that needs fixing. It’s not just other’s opinions either. While it is not entirely boring, it goes on a little too long with no direction. I am going to fix it up and make it better and am hoping for a re-release next Easter if I can get it done in time. Obviously I have a lot of other projects right now, the other of which I got to being that I got some professional stickers designed and ordered. I’m really praying they come out good because stickers are expensive but what would normally cost $500 on the majority of the sticker sites I found, I was able to find a deal for $70 on because I’d be buying them in bulk. It was a lot to spend, but I probably spent that much or more on the random fun sticker packs I bought last year alone. Last year I put 5 or 6 fun random stickers, one original sticker, one of my old business cards, and 2 or 3 prints, plus 8 pages of writing in each press release for The Godchild which meant it took 2 stamps per person and I think the prints were a couple bucks each. I will NOT be spending that much this time. I got 250 new business cards with my new web site made for $20 and 250 professional logo stickers for $70, I have to buy new ink for the printer, and then I gotta buy a couple books of stamps since I have several already, and that’ll be that. I’m pretty sure I have plenty of blank stickers so that I won’t have to buy more of those, but I’m gonna give everyone one professional logo sticker, one original one of a kind hand drawn sticker, a new business card, and 1 page about the new book. It will get the job done for far less but I really loved sending out all those stickers and prints to friends last year. Maybe it helped make up for the fact that I haven’t sent holiday cards out since I was like 21.
Here’s a couple random pictures from my bed as I go to bed in the early morning…That Bob Dylan poster is an OG copy from the 70’s and the Prince is an OG 80’s poster.
I guess it’s time I head to bed myself…
Here is a video… it’s not a song, but a Jim Henson video from his early collection pre-Sesame Street and Muppets I think, that helped me understand music better…
I’ve been busy with a number of things this week. I had the art show Saturday, an appointment with Nikki Sunday, I think I cooked and cleaned Monday, the nurse came Tuesday and I had a friend stop by that night, I had a call with Nikki Wednesday, and yesterday I had a zoom with the nutritionist. Tomorrow I have Jen coming by for what I think is my last appointment with her, and then I was supposed to go up to see my parents this weekend, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen due to the weather, but they might be coming to see me, and then I’ll see Nikki again Sunday, yadda yadda. Time just keeps flying by. I made these stickers a couple nights ago and offered 6 for $10 and a new friend ordered a pack. I made a few more that I didn’t take pictures of and am sending them out later today.
Today is my boyfriend’s birthday, and we talked more of our plans when he comes to visit in July. I’m looking forward to that. I had fun with my friend the other night too. He is an artist I know who I relate to a lot and had a great time hanging out with him. There is also someone in my neighborhood I’ve been meaning to see again too. There are a number of new people in my life I’d like to maybe see now that we can hang out with people but I also don’t wanna do it so early on with the restrictions.
He brought these cool beers and we just hung out talking, which I need. It helped lift my mood a lot to have the social time with him and the event Saturday.
I’ve been busy with all sorts of projects, including the fact that despite the fact that I keep saying I finished my new cover, I keep changing things.
That’s a photo of it on my computer screen. It won’t be blurry like that, and I have to center it better and possibly change the font, but I think that’s what it’s more or less gonna look like.
I finished my 8th edit of that same book and it’s shaping out nicely. I’m getting ready to start writing a one page description of the book to send out as a press release with stickers and business cards. They won’t be as big of packets as I did for The Godchild… no 8 pages of reviews and quotes, probably no prints, and then I’ll do one original sticker and I’ll possibly buy cool random fun stickers in bulk, or if I can get professional stickers of my logo made in bulk for fairly cheap, I may do that instead.
I’ve realized I probably won’t get around to my next book for a couple years. I wanna redo and re-release the first Godchild book first, and I’ve actually been going through that and taking notes on what to keep, what to purge, and what important things I need to keep in the story from the stuff I purge. I plan to completely redo the beginning. There’s so much unnecessary shit and so much important shit I somehow managed to leave out completely, so I’ll give the first 1/3 of the book a complete makeover.
Here’s me and Moo. Aren’t we cute?
Don’t mind my ADD. I’m listening to jazz right now but I did a couple new hip hop videos for tiktok. The link is through Instagram though since that’s where I have more followers. I’m trying to get ready for the upcoming open mic.