Mac and Cheese Pizza & Good News After Another Heartbreaking Day

I got some bad news today that I kind of saw coming, even though it might not be as bad as I thought, it might be. My favorite mental health worker is leaving her position and moving to a different position on the same team. It may end up being that nothing much changes between us, but it might mean that we won’t be working together anymore. I’ve sort of been waiting on this news and somewhat prepared to hate her for hurting me if she went about it the way others have, after we’ve become so close. I went through several workers in a few short years, and one worker who left around this time five years ago who absolutely broke my heart because she promised to keep in touch, but didn’t. It was a messy thing though, I won’t lie. It was partly her fault for all the boundaries she was breaking at a time when I was extremely lonely and broken, and I thought she cared about me and maybe even liked me in a romantic way. Obviously that was where things were partly mine to blame, although I never did anything inappropriate, but I think she knew how I felt and I honestly thought she felt the same, because of how close she got to me… but that was 5 years ago, and I went through several workers since her and tried so hard not to allow myself to fall for one ever again. And I’m not in love with my worker who’s leaving now. I don’t feel romantic feelings towards her and I know she doesn’t for me, but I still kind of love her as a person in a way that one would grow to love anyone who helped them so much in 3 years time, nevermind a person like her, who I clicked with immediately in our first phone call. I knew after our first 15 minute conversation that this day was going to come and it was gonna feel like hell, and I’ve been sobbing all day. I don’t know what’ll come of it though and I know the last thing she wants to do is hurt me or even leave me. She is fighting to keep me, so I appreciate that and don’t hate her, but I’m feeling a lot of sadness. When we first met, I was stepping out into the world for the first time as an adult, just about to turn forty years old after a life of being broken, and I was doing great, but within just a couple months of us meeting, I fell into a deep psychosis that lasted months. I was on bed-rest, completely miserable, and we texted every day and she came to see me every week. She was the first, and still the only one of my workers to read my first book in its entirety, and she was the one to encourage me to publish it, which was something I severely feared for far too long. She helped me through 7 months of feeling so fucking terrible that I was almost ready to give up, but she encouraged me every day and she loved my art and my songs and let me practice in front of her. I could tell that she was honestly impressed by me and that I made her job more enjoyable and worth doing, to see me recover and publish my books and perform and show my art. It made me feel good to have someone in the system that actually believed in me and who saw the artist I was and thought the world would wanna know me too. She helped me believe in myself and helped me survive one of the most difficult times of my life. I’d just achieved so much of what I always wanted after a life of being broken, and doing so broke me again, and it looked like I might lose it all, but I came back even harder and I have her to thank, but I don’t know if I’m losing her and I don’t know how to feel about it, except sad that this is how it always seems to be. I still think about Stacey and Elisa, Celie, Miss K, Robin, Michelle, Joanne, Leah, Caitlin, Leslie, Ana, Pat, etc. There are so many people who once saved me and meant the world to me as teachers and therapists that I’ve lost and my heartbreak is real. I miss them terribly. I hate that I’m forced to let go of so many great people. I felt like when she left, I was gonna tell her to fuck off, and that I’d hate her and even possibly quit therapy, because I can’t keep taking this kind of loss… but maybe she’ll be one of the ones to stick by me, as I do also have a list of people who once meant the world to me and are still in my life in a different way. They still mean a lot to me, but since they’re no longer employed to work for me, I have good boundaries and they’ve become like other friends in my life who I just talk to once in awhile. It still means a lot that they’re out there and part of my world. I hope she’ll remain in my world because she’s an awesome person who I’ll always have love for. It’s hard to think about getting to know someone else, and I’m sad and hurt but I’ll be okay.

I decided that for a little food therapy, I’d try the macaroni and cheese pizza from Za. There are two pizza places in my town that put pasta on pizza, and I thought it sounded like too much carbs and not particularly appealing, but some people love it and the one at Za has caramelized onions, which I also like, so I thought I’d try it. I mean, I do like macaroni and cheese and pizza.

It was good, but I probably won’t get it again. They have a great chicken and veggie pizza I like there too. Just as good, and probably a lot healthier, but this was fun to try.

As for the good news, my mom got her blood-work back today and she’s still cancer-free for 5 years now! That is definitely happy news! And while it’s not looking great for my memoir being published, I haven’t heard from everyone yet, and even if I self publish again, it has a chance to succeed if the right people read it. I know the writing is better than The Godchild books and it’s getting even better as I do more edits. The big craft fair at my mental health center will be a perfect place to sell the book along with some stickers and prints and stuff. Life is okay. I’m grateful for getting through it.

“I Feel the Saaaaaaame Way” & I’m All Shook Up

So, I have at least a couple white supremacist neighbors that I regularly have to encounter when I leave the apartment. They’re always asking me my business, looking at my mail or my car, and one of them told me he was being paid to watch me and I know he’s called the cops on every black friend I’ve had over. To say this is a problem is to put it lightly. I almost hit him once when he called my friends the N word, but he ran into the house before I could get to him. This was many years ago and I just give him nasty looks and/or ignore him when I see him now, but my car has been vandalized nine times since I’ve lived here, although that could have been my other haters, who are also racist, but I found a white supremacist sticker right in front of my building the other day. They are more common now in general since Trump made it acceptable. I also noticed a lot of racist and pro-Trump graffiti at the graffiti spot recently. At first I didn’t realize that was what it was, and once I did, I was disgusted by it. I used to feel like I lived in a pretty safe area, but now that so many people fueled by hate are gathering together in their like-minded anger at the liberals, black people and queers who took their beloved Trump out of power and wanna take some of the power away from police and billionaires, and others who are ruling the world, doing whatever the fuck they want, starting wars and getting away with it, people are angry because they’re employed by the corruption and being bad or an asshole is something they used to be proud of because it once gave them power. The way the world is shifting is really forcing people to choose a side of good or bad… people who care about other people, and people who only care about themselves. It’s getting easier to tell who is who in many cases, and the sides are already at war.

So, when I was taking out the trash the other night and I heard what sounded like a local white woman who smokes a couple packs of Marlboro’s a day yell out of nowhere, “I feel the saaaaaaaaaaaame way!”, I couldn’t help but feel scared. Those are the words of a white woman full of prejudice who just found her new prejudice best friend. Those are the words of someone who has just heard the words “Whenever I see that tranny faggot take out his trash, I wanna go over there and stab him.”….. “I feel the saaaaaaaaaaaame way!” It’s definitely not a comfort to hear in a Boston white woman accent when you’re alone out in the dark behind your apartment where you regularly have to deal with white supremacists, and now their graffiti. It doesn’t feel safe anymore.

Safe or not, here I am, a political queer, trans, intersex artist, writer, and crazy person who lived to tell a hell of a story, and I will keep on keeping on with it. I am kind of “feelin’ cute” as they say on Facebook so here is a selfie…

Coping With Stress and Anxiety To Get Through the Day.

I woke up depressed today. I think I managed not to scream at the cat, but I wasn’t in the mood to get up, yet had a therapy appointment. My stomach wasn’t feeling great either. I talked to my therapist for about an hour though, and it was okay. I kind of miss meeting in person, but I’m not in a rush to get back to the mental health center either, and it’s kind of a long drive. I miss when it was ten minutes away, but it’s not horrible either. It’s still totally doable, and I wouldn’t mind getting down there once or twice while the weather is nice. My therapist isn’t gonna be around much longer I don’t think… I mean as far as retirement goes. I’d think she’s at least thinking about doing so, and I don’t know what that’ll look like for me. She actually mentioned that a few staff members were leaving, but she said their names and I don’t think I know them; at least by name, but I’ve been with my therapist for over a decade now and I’m wondering how much longer she’ll be there, as well as my other workers. Usually they leave every few years, and it can be incredibly heartbreaking for me, so I try to prepare for it

I’ve been kind of anxious lately and needed an anxiety pill to sleep along with lots of Indica weed. The picture below is a photo that captures that…

“If I wasn’t Bob Dylan, I’d probably think that Bob Dylan has a lot of answers myself” – Bob Dylan

and here is some music to leave you with…

New Art Show, Throwback Photos & Plans To Move My Posts To This Blog

Right now almost no one reads this blog because of the way I have it set up through another web host. I have 2 blogs to my name through WordPress and my old account is the one that lets me connect with other users. This one does not, so my only readers are people who see it posted on my Facebook or happen to stumble on it through the internet. I shared it with a few people specifically as well, like some of the agents I sent queries out to. This is obviously not the ideal setup and needs to be fixed, but I’m also having issues with Facebook algorithms, especially now that I’ve increased my friend count by about 300%. Back when I had only 350 friends, I’d get dozens of likes on my art and important posts about stuff going on, but now I don’t usually get as many unless I post them in smaller groups. Most of the stuff that goes onto my wall goes unseen now, unless it’s of extreme importance and I tag people, like I will do when I put out my book. I’ve wondered if part of the problem is that I post too much; and I know I do. I also post a lot of personal stuff and I’m open and honest in a way that often makes bad people hate me with a passion, and no doubt, with nearly 1000 friends now and the way I post on Facebook, I already have some haters. I’m thinking it’s time to change my privacy settings for what people can see as the scroll. Most won’t go out of their way to visit my blog whether they love me or hate me, but I am hoping that the people who find inspiration from my daily posts about what I’ve done, what helped me through the day, what I cooked/ate, what I’m grateful for, and all that daily shit I usually do will tune in here. I hope to put everything into one big post per day from now on, to the best of my ability. I’ll probably continue to shitpost memes a little bit for humor or inspiration, but I’m gonna aim to move the majority of what I do to my blog, in hopes of getting more of my friends and fans reading my blog rather than letting everything I write on Facebook be owned by Zuckerburg. My privacy has already been invaded in every way. I’ll never feel fully safe from the possibilities of how technology may be able to fuck me over big time after everything I’ve given them over the last 25 years. Anonymity is too late for me, but since most people are lazy, including my haters, I’d like to make it a little less easy for them to have so much access to me, in their daily scrolling at the very least.

That was me at OOTB Gallery the other day.

I read a poem when I went over to The Armory the other day for the first day of my exhibit “Falling Apart, Breaking, and Putting Myself Back Together Through Art”. Please read more about that here. It’s happening at The Armory in Somerville, MA for all of May and June.

My new show at The Armory currently has 25 of my best photos from 2005-2010. I’ve been taking photos since I was a kid, but I don’t have a camera other than my phone these days. I found a bunch of random photos on Facebook, all taken this past week on different years going back about twelve years ago. Here are some of my favorites from that collection…

And here is a painting I did last year, today…

I have a video of me painting it too…

As for other stuff, it’s been a slow week for me but I’m getting through it. I decided to do another edit of my recent memoir; the one I’ve been sending out. I’m still hoping that I’ll get good news for it, but I think if it does get accepted, they’ll probably ask me to go over it at least one more time anyway. I don’t know. Of course, now that I’m editing it and fixing all this stuff to improve it, I feel like maybe I should have been more patient and done a few more edits before I sent it to every agent I could find. I’ll keep that in mind next time if it takes yet another book to get me professionally published, but I intend to get there. I’ve had terrible writing habits from longterm use of social media blogging, and switching it all over to my blog will be good writing practice and hopefully make me appear more professional overall. I also wonder if I should get a Twitter, as that is the only social media service that the agents ever ask about, and I never got into it, nor do I even know how to use it. It’s hard starting from the bottom, but I know I have a lot further to climb and that it takes more time, but I have it in me.

Here’s some music to enjoy…


Wicked Cliche’ Art Show Opening At The Armory and More…

My art show has officially begun! I was over at The Armory (191 Highland Ave in Somerville) to see my new exhibit at Out Of the Blue Gallery yesterday for the Somerville Open Studios, which was also going on.

in front of my recent painting that was just added to the new performance space going up.

I enjoyed my visit with Parama, and we made a few short videos of me talking about some of the photos I have hanging in a basement hallway.

You can read more about my two part art show here…

As for other stuff going on, I got the new blue curtains up on Friday. I was able to put up the orange ones on my own on Monday, but had to wait until Friday to get help with the blue ones…

My cat is the little princess who rules the kingdom…

I had to back out of the Jam’n Java Open Mic this coming Friday because I have too much going on, and right now, that’s affecting my mental health in a way that could potentially ruin my career forever, and seeing as I don’t even really have a career, but hope to get one, that’s not ideal. It’s best I don’t put myself under pressure to perform right now. I was grateful I didn’t have too many issues talking about my photography on camera though. I was shocked when I saw the videos that I wasn’t hating myself terribly other than the angle on my face, but what can you do?

I’ve been busy all week cleaning, writing queries and artist statements, playing keyboard, cooking, watching GOT, and getting together ideas for an art show I was invited to be part of through DMH (Department of Mental Health). It’s more of a craft fair with items for $20 and under, but they said I could bring my books, stickers, and t-shirts, and it’ll be a great opportunity to get my books out to the right kind of audience, since they’re about my mental illness. I’m excited about that. I also sold another poetry and art book and got a satisfied customer review on another one I sent out to someone named Suli Nee up in Alaska. She took this picture of it…

I actually just recently changed the cover, but she makes the old cover look great with that display. Here is the new cover…

And since April 23rd was World Book Day, here are the rest of my books…

You can find all my books on Amazon and at Out Of the Blue Gallery on the top floor of The Armory.

I took a few pictures and did a little art…

This new painting is 8×10 and $50 and I can ship it.

I also threw these ingredients together with some chicken and scallions….

and made this…

And I was listening to Syd Barrett last night, so here is something from him (the original singer from Pink Floyd who took too much acid and lost his mind)…

And I also found my Luscious Jackson CD, so let’s hear some 90’s female alternative hip hop rock stars…

That’s it for tonight. Enjoy.

Gratitude, Stickers, A Clean Apartment, and Classic Hip Hop Duo’s Album Anniversaries

The moon was so pretty tonight! I was grateful for it, and the sunrise yesterday morning…

Neither photo comes close to capturing how beautiful it truly was though. They were gifts from the Universe.

I’ve spent the entire month cleaning and organizing in a way I haven’t done since I was in my early 20’s. I don’t know if I’ve ever done it in this apartment, and I’ve lived here for 16 or more years now… basically since the beginning of my transition. I’ve done some major cleaning, many times, but it’s been at least a decade since I’ve gone through it like this. Part of the reason I didn’t do it was because I knew I’d come across a lot of old papers that I wouldn’t be ready to cope with. I still need to go through them even more, but at least now I’m at a point where I can face what I find. It’s still been triggering though. I won’t say I was 100% ready for it, even now. I’ve been having some mental health attacks, feeling crazy and out of control and I’m not enjoying it but I suspect it’s temporary. A lot of the stuff I found was a comfort though. In fact, more so than the opposite, so I was glad to get a look at what I still have, because I always kept it with the intent to use it in some way… stuff like poems, art, photos, collages, books, letters, awards, report cards, etc… Well, I didn’t save my report cards; fuck those… but my alternative school did something called “evaluations” instead of report cards with letter grades. They wrote sent our parents or guardians a written report/evaluation of how we were doing, what we were good at, and what needed improvement. They were full of kindness from teachers that mostly all loved me. They mean a lot…certainly more than a generic report card.

Anyway, long story short (too late), I spent all month cleaning as much as I could, and then I got a couple cleaners who help people with disabilities and they spent 2 hours sweeping and washing all my floors Monday, doing the entire bathroom, and cleaning out a cabinet, plus taking out some heavy trash. When they left, I put all my stuff back on the shelves and hung my new orange curtains… Here are a few highlights

You can see I have a lot of art. I also collect stickers. I know I have a lot of sticker collecting friends too. Here are some of mine…

I’m just listening to some music now. I’ve been re-watching Game Of Thrones, I started querying a couple agents for my children’s book, and I changed the cover of my second poetry and art book, which I’ve been meaning to do for months because I hate the original cover, which was a close up of the picture I changed it to, but not zoomed in so much. It makes a huge difference.

I signed up for the next Jam’n Java Open Mic through Zoom, because I hope to announce my art show at The Armory before I perform, although I’m worried about stage fight due to these recent mental illness symptoms I’m fighting, but I’m gonna do my best. I should be fine. I also signed up to be part of a committee meeting through zoom to talk about a roadmap for behavioral health reform in the Massachusetts public mental health system. It’s been a busy day. I still wanna play keyboard for a good fifteen minutes and then wind down with a record.

Speaking of records though, a couple of the greatest hip hop albums of all time had some anniversaries this week.

The Infamous Mobb Deep from April 25th 1995. This duo of rappers Prodigy and Havoc from NY came up in the time of Wu Tang, Nas, Biggie, and other East Coast gangsta rappers. Mobb Deep is probably my favorite gangsta rap duo or group. This is a perfect album in many ways…

And then “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik” by Outkast from April 26th, 1994. I might not even be the hip hop addict I am today if it weren’t for Outkast. They are from Georgia. Big Boi and Andre 3000. This was their debut album…

That’s it! Goodnight and good morning!

Mid-Term Goals & Achievements

It’s that time of year again when I make goals with my mental health center. I don’t like the way they go about it because for years I would come in with a list of solid goals, talk for hours, then have to somehow turn it into one random general goal that had nothing to do with my actual goals, and we never speak of them again until 6 months later to decide whether I achieved the goal…and then usually if I feel like I achieved it they say I didn’t, or if I feel like I didn’t, they say I did, so to me, it’s a bunch of BS. I was reminded that my last goal was to get out more, and I’ve hardly gotten out at all this year, but she says I reached the goal, in her opinion. So now, my new goal is to work on reducing my anger, which, according to Facebook, was my goal 2 years ago at this time, and that makes sense, because I was feeling similar. I’d just spent 7 months inside, fighting my psychosis, and I was full of rage from March through May, but eventually got better, and that’s my hope this year as well. It IS an important goal, and right now it’s sort of number one on my list, because my fear, as a mentally ill trans man who’s hated by the police, is that if I were to get angry and look out of control, someone might call the cops on me. I feel like they’ve been waiting to get their hands on me for a long time, and more so since I published books and performed songs about how they abused me, so an excuse to get their hands on me and have me sent away is just too risky a situation. I don’t feel safe going out when my anger is so easily triggered. It should get better though. I have a lot to look forward to, including my art show in May-June at the Armory, and my boyfriend is flying out to visit in July, like he did two years ago. He officially bought the tickets today, so I’m very excited.

I’ve achieved a few things since 2021 started….I’ve had 2 successful open mic/art show parties on zoom, illustrated a children’s book, and done dozens of other drawings/paintings, prepared for the upcoming art show by framing art, getting prints made, writing artist statements, and making a web page for it…I’ve sold some shirts and books, cleaned the heck out of my apartment and put together furniture, wrote a few songs, and performed at several open mics with both Soulkore and Jamn Java. I cooked a lot, lost some weight, took a few walks and some photos, and worked on self help through meditation & DBT. I’ve been consistent with therapy, got my 2 vaccines, and have been querying agents and publishers about my memoir and my children’s book; plus I’m learning keyboard! I’ve done other stuff too, all while fighting difficult feelings. The triggers are intense and there’s often no way to avoid them, but I’m still alive, and that’s an achievement and something to be grateful for as well!

Here is the link to my upcoming art show.

My goals for the next few months are to manage my anger first, then have a successful art show and get my books published by a publisher if possible. I want to have a great visit with my boyfriend in July with a trip to the pond AND the ocean included, visit with my parents when I can, get outside as much as possible, visit with a few friends, swim, watch the Red Sox win, get to a couple in-person open mics if I can, visit with family, help organize a Beacon reunion, see my therapist in person a couple times, take lots of photo walks, cover any racist graffiti stickers I see with my stickers of love, do some new paintings, get together with some new friends, lose some more weight, get some medical stuff checked out, see some live music, etc. I really want and need a summer this year.

I made a few new t-shirts. You can get them here. They’re on sale for $17 right now

And for music? Music, sweet music…

Stage Fright, Fixing Graffiti, and Remembering Shock G

It’s been exactly a week since my open mic/art show party on Zoom and it feels like much longer. I know I blogged a little about my trip to the gallery on Monday, and I spent 4/20 listening to records, but it is Friday night/Saturday morning now and the last few days have been busy too.

To start, I took a short photography walk the other night…

I also found this sticker that my friend told me was a white supremacist group.

So I made this sticker

and stuck it over the hate symbol…

I started doing a Facebook Live the other night after a stressful day but stopped towards the end of my song because I was fighting a demon in my mind. Sometimes that means I think of the most fucked up or offensive things I could possibly do or say in that moment, and it takes everything I have and more not to do or say it… kind of like Tourettes except that I’ve always been able to control myself to not say or do it, but this was the first time it happened when I was rapping and I had to stop in the middle of my performance so it didn’t just spill out. I’m glad my boyfriend was the only one watching. It was scary, because of course I don’t wanna say some super offensive thing that I don’t even believe, but I can’t help what pops into my brain and it sucks that I have to fight it like that sometimes. My struggles with this kind of thing started when I was fifteen, right after I got out of my first hospitalization at McLean. I remember going to a school play and leaving early because I had such a strong urge to bop the people in front of me over the head throughout the whole first half of the play! I was sitting on my hands until intermission and then left. I didn’t know them or have any problem with them, and I didn’t wanna hurt them, but was overwhelmed with an urge to bop them on the head; which would have been a problem if I did it, and I knew that but my brain does annoying shit to me. It’s like a pinched nerve in the brain or something. It’s similar to my Exploding Head Syndrome, where I have auditory hallucinations of horrible sounds as I fall asleep when I’m overtired. I’ve heard machine guns, drums, cymbals banging in my ears, explosions, feeling like my head is being zapped, and even hearing people calling out for me by my old name. I don’t understand why my brain does it, but my brain was thinking the exact opposite of what I was feeling when I was trying to rap the other night, and because I was rapping so fast, I was petrified it was gonna just spill out, so I turned it off, but I made a video of one of the songs after, without the pressure of the live audience. Here that is.

I forgot to mention that I was given this cool easel from The Armory the other day, hat may go back as far as the Armory itself. It’s definitely kind of old, but it seems to be more sturdy that the one I had and it adds a little character to the room, which will be spotless in a few days after the cleaners come for the first time in 3 years.

I also made this awesome pizza this week. I’m about to heat up a leftover piece in a few minutes

Other than that, I’ve been hard at work cleaning, putting things together, taking out trash, walking, taking baths, playing the keyboard, querying a few more agents/publishers, playing with my cat, listening to records, re-watching Game Of Thrones, talking to my boyfriend, and whatever else I do. Unfortunately I only made 13 days in a row of my daily meditation before I ended up skipping a day, but I’ve done short meditations every day and am using the meditation music to fall asleep, plus playing the keyboard is good for my soul. Unfortunately I didn’t get to that 56 days in a row higher place that I was reaching for, but that’s okay. All things considered, I’m doing good.

Last but not least, I will leave you with a song by Shock G of Digital Underground who sadly died the other day. He was one of my first hip hop influences, early on, the first time I got into hip hop. He was such a unique character with radio hits that we heard at dances and roller skating rinks. Not long after him, NWA and gangsta rap took over and I stopped listening to hip hop for most of the 90’s, but when I got back into it in the early 2000’s, I actually used to rap The Humpty Hump at karaoke, and that was part of what lead me to start writing and rapping my own stuff. People used to go wild when I did The Humpty Hump, and I was even joined on the mic by the rapper Katastrophe once to perform that song together at an event with Michelle Tea and the Cliks. So, RIP Shock G, and here is the song that you will always be remembered for…but I also know Tupac got his start as one of your dancers….

This one was huge for me in middle school too…

Peace and doowutchyalike….

4/20 Album Playlist

I spent all of my 4/20/21 listening to 4/20 themed records, smoking weed, and just taking it easy. It was a fun day, good for the soul.

Here are the albums I enjoyed, a little about them, and some samples from the albums…

We gotta start with “A Question Of Balance” by the Moody Blues. It’s the record I listened to the first time I ever smoked weed in the early 90’s. Also, there are pictures of Bob Marley (drawn by Carl Ristaino) and a press photo of Ani Difranco, both artists who have songs about weed and have used their music to help pave the way for legalization… The Moody Blues album though is sort of psychedelic folk-rock from the 60’s and 70’s. They were very trippy and had some awesome album covers.

That’s the first song on the Moody Blues album, and I dig it. Maybe not the best on the album, but still love it.

Here’s a weed themed song by Ani since I mentioned her

Next up…

Spicing it up with “Connected” by Stereo MC’s from 1992. The title song was on the “Hackers” soundtrack and while I loved that one song and the Hackers Soundtrack albums, I didn’t try anything else by Stereo MCs until just a few years ago. I really missed out, but at least I have it now. It’s such a fun album… kind of a trip-hop/alternative hip hop sound. Awesome cover too, for an awesome album all the way through…


“Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd from 1975. Anything by Pink Floyd is appropriate, though “Dark Side Of the Moon” is probably the most obvious pick for 4/20, but I’m doing a cover album of that later. I picked “Wish You Were Here”from 1975 out of my 4 Floyd albums I have on vinyl though, because that’s what’s speaking to me most right now.

Baduizm by Erykah Badu from 1997. I’ve loved this album since it came out. I first heard about it on the Ani Difranco mailing list and I ordered it from Columbia House with a bunch of other CDs that were recommended to me. I probably still owe them some money. That was how I discovered Bjork and other favorites. This is such a chill album though. It’s R&B/soul as good as it gets.

RIP Guru of Gangstarr, one of my biggest influences. Guru died 11 years ago 4/19 which was a significant time for me and I remember it well. Guru was from Boston and his influence on the Boston hip hop scene was huge. This is his first Jazzmatazz album, which he rapped over live jazz. Jazzmatazz 2 is probably the album I’d play for 4/20 if I had it on vinyl but I don’t. This one is still totally appropriate too though, and brilliant. I highly recommend it…

that’s a good one from that album, and here is a 4/20 one from Jazzmatazz 2

Okay, so this one isn’t exactly weed themed although it’s probably mentioned somewhere on the album, but it just came today cuz I finally found a copy for a decent price and this is a brilliant album… and it was kind of hated at first. It is called “808’s and Heartbreak” and it was Kanye West’s first non-rap album. He just put out a gospell album about a year ago too, making his second non-rap album. This is kind of a pop album with a lot of autotune, which at first turned people away until they took it all in and realized that he was a true artist to be able to take something as taboo in the music world as autotune and make a brilliant album from start to finish with it. A few of the songs on here have by widely covered by rock, pop, punk, and other types of musicians and many now say this is his best, although I dunno about that. He has at least five other albums I think are just as good if not better, but this is a uniquely amazing piece of work, and Kanye really is a true artist and has some of the best album packages that always come with posters and lots of art, and this came with a CD tucked inside the middle between the 2 records. I don’t agree with his politics and opinions anymore, but when I got into him he was left-wing and kinda opposite of what he’s about now, which has only been for a few years since he married a Kardashian. Anyway, whether you like it or not, agree or not, Kanye is gonna go down in history as one of the most significant artists of our time.

This is the soundtrack to the classic Jamaican film “The Harder They Come” from the early 70’s. It is definitely a 4/20 album. The movie was about a weed dealing reggae singer played by Jimmy Cliff, whose songs are featured in the movie and soundtrack, although the soundtrack includes a variety of reggae from that era. It is the type of album that can change you because you feel it so deeply and intensely. If you like any reggae but don’t know this album, please do yourself a favor and listen. I’d also recommend the movie. I personally love it.

Are You Experienced (US Version) by The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The first song on the album is called “Purple Haze” which is a weed strain that goes back at least as far as this late 60’s album. I’ve been into Jimi Hendrix since I was about 13, and I was named after him at age 14 by close friends I still have to this day. They named me Jimi because of the line from “Fire”, “move over Rover, let Jimi take over.” because I am a strong leader and can take over. I changed the spelling to Jymi when I was 15 and started signing it mirror image on my art and poetry as my signature. When I got my first personal email at age 15 or 16 I was Jymi at aol dot com… numbers or anything. So naturally when I transitioned in my early/mid 20’s, Jymi was the name that made the most sense to go by even though no one really actually CALLED me Jymi until I transitioned, it was still my name long before that. Anyway, gotta love Jimi Hendrix. Still one of the best guitarists to ever live.

This is the soundtrack to the 1998 film Slam, about a rapper/poet/weed dealer who gets caught dealing and is sent to jail, where he discovers slam poetry and uses it in the most powerful way words and art can be used. This is a movie that changed my life. For one, it opened my eyes to how fucked up and racist the system is. It gave me empathy for “criminals” and gangsters and where they are coming from and how they get caught up in that world. It also showed me how powerful hip hop could be and that a lot of it is meant to educate and open people’s eyes to reality, unlike what I thought hip hop was about for most of the 90’s and the gangsta rap that got radio and MTV play that encouraged negative, reckless behavior, but that was all the doings of the record companies who were only signing gangster artists and claiming that’s what sells, and there IS a place for gangsta rap. I do like some, but it’s not all hip hop is. There was always political and artistic hip hop selling in the underground world. I love so many things about Slam. It is one of my top 5 movies and top 5 soundtracks. The famous slam poet/actor/musician Saul Williams stars in it and the main female character Sonja Sohn who is a love interest of the main character, as well as a poet and teacher in the film, is probably best known for her role on The Wire. It’s an important movie that everyone should see. I immediately learned how privileged I was to be white by watching it (and then made sure I learned more over the years and I know I’ll never fully understand, but it was the first to really make me see it). I was already a spoken word poet and lover of weed, so it was a perfect movie for me. It even won the Sundance Film Festival. Anyway, an amazing hip hop soundtrack which includes the song “I Dare You” by Black Rob who just died the other day. RIP. I shared the Black Rob song the other day, so here is another favorite from the soundtrack…

Easy Star All Stars- Dub Side of the Moon. This is a cover album by a reggae band playing reggae versions of all the songs on Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. It’s pretty awesome.

To close 4/20, because it will be midnight soon, I have chosen “Man on the Moon 2” by Kid Cudi which I first got on CD as a gift from my sister Nikki and didn’t know if I’d even like it but I fell in love. He is alternative hip hop made specifically for depressed stoners. Even people who don’t like hip hop often like Kid Cudi. I think the last time I took this album out was 2 years ago this time when my friend died. She was a fan. She wasn’t big into hip hop but one time I made her a playlist to play whenever she came over of stuff I knew she liked, and she DID like it, but asked me to add some hip hop to it because she felt like hearing hip hop when she visited was part of the full “Jymi experience” and she specifically asked for Kid Cudi, Bone Thugs, and Eminem to be added, so I will always think of Kid Cudi because we spent a few 4/20’s together and I think we always celebrated with this album. And for awhile I’d grown sick of him because we listened to him often during those days, but I really do think her death 2 years ago was the last time I listened to it, so it’s actually sounding as good as it used to, and giving me positive memories, which is nice. This is a great, solid album from beginning to end though. Definitely recommend.

And that is that. Enjoy the music! Peace!

Trip To the Gallery And Some Songs For 4/20

I took my 25 photos and a large painting, as well as a couple books over to the gallery today to prepare for the new show I have coming up this May and June. You can see more about that here…

It was nice to visit with Parama, the owner of the gallery, and to see the new performance space she is setting up. I’m excited about it. We’re hoping to have a small gathering for a few of my friends and the main artists sometime in May and/or June too. I don’t know all the details yet, but it should be cool. It was good to get out of the house. It was the first time I’ve gone anywhere besides my parents’ house and my vaccine appointments in seven months. I mostly enjoyed the drive even though I got a little anxious. It was a perfect day for it. I took a few photos on the way…

And now that I’m home, I did a little work on the computer, ate a brownie, and am about to do day 12 of my meditations. Starting at midnight, I plan to spend all of 4/20 listening to 4/20 themed records. These are the ones on the list because they are in my record collection. What would you add?

Cypress Hill, Guru, KRS-One, Kid Cudi, Outkast, People Under the Stairs, Smoke DZA, Bob Marley, Slam Soundtrack, Dub Side Of the Moon, The Harder They Come Soundtrack, Erykah Badu, Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Grateful Dead, Moody Blues, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Parliament, Portishead, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Amerigo Gazaway, STL GLD, Stereo MC’s

I don’t know if I will get to them all, but that’s the plan. Have a safe 4/20 if you participate. Peace, and here is are a few fun songs for 4/20 that aren’t included in my albums…