I had two separate WordPress accounts. One was a free blog, and one was this paid web site I made through WordPress and BlueHost. My computer froze and died on me a couple weeks ago and at first I thought I lost EVERYTHING which would include recent edits of my books, my poetry, my query letter and pitch for my upcoming book, my beats to all my songs which cost between $5 to $30 each, some of my art and photography, and I thought I lost access to this web site, but my dad was able to save all of my files. Still, I was without my computer for over a week, unable to work on a number of projects I was working on when the computer died. I thought at least I’d be able to update my blog through my phone, but it said I reached my limit and would have to pay. I knew I had a paid account on here, although I wasn’t sure I’d be able to access this one again… but as you can see, I am, so I’m moving my blog here, which makes more sense anyway. I was accidentally using my blog on here as a site page for my graffiti stickers, so I’m gonna have to re-make a page for those, but here I am!
Right now I’m listening to the French DJ Wax Tailor, who I highly recommend. I met him a couple years ago and got a signed record. He just came out with a new album and it’s great.
My shitty record player died on me right around the time my computer died and it forced me into finally buying a quality record player for my collection. I got it all put together and saw they sent me a European cord, so I had to buy an American cord and wait for that, but once I finally got I running, it’s been great! My friend Dan offered me his old speakers too, so I should be able to move the turntable to a less cat accessible location than it is in right now, but I need it to be on my desk top because it shares speakers with my computer at the moment.
Now that I have my computer back with all my files thanks to my dad, I’m getting back to work on projects, like this page I am working on for my artist friends…
I also started a podcast this week of me reading my book. Unfortunately I have problems with my voice straining so I couldn’t practice reading the book aloud several times before doing the podcast like I usually have to do with my poetry in order to not mess up reading aloud. I’m slightly dyslexic, and reading aloud is a struggle, but it’s the best I can do right now and I wanted to offer it read in my voice. It hurts to talk though, and I should really see a doctor.
Here is the podcast. So far it’s a little over half my book… probably almost 3 hours of listening… I’m not sure exactly. The theme song is by an old 90’s underground Boston band I can never find any info on called Liggy Wog.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about my newest covers until I saw them, and I love them so I think it was the right move.
I saw someone was doing a then and now photo thing the other day, and right around now has been sixteen years since I began my transition. It’s a trip to look back on that lil punk I once was and see how much I’ve grown!
Here’s some recent art I did of Moo and an old friend. I’m gonna try to start a new charcoal series of famous people I am a fan of instead of friends though, at least for now.
That was my first attempt at a Garbage Plate… It’s a famous dish from Rochester, NY. A cheeseburger patty over roasted potatoes and macaroni salad with onions, mustard, and chili powder. It was yum.
I finally got the new Nas record I pre-ordered in August! It’s great though.
All in all, I can’t really complain. There have been ups and downs but I am moving along one day at a time and a lot of the little disasters and down sides have turned into ups and life is not too bad. We got Trump out of the White House and that’s huge in itself. Thank the Lords.