Accomplishments Of Age 42

  • held a kick ass zoom party for my 42nd birthday with friends from all over the world performing and showing art, since I never had a 40th party
  • did several paintings including this new one from September 2021
  • performed a few songs live at the Armory with Parama and Steve
  • helped elect a new president
  • high school reunion on zoom
  • many zooms events for Jam’n Java and Soulkore open mics
  • hosted 2 more zoom open mic art parties, all successful
  • found a record bookcase in the trash and collected records to fill it
  • designed 22 major arcana tarot cards
this was one of the tarot cards
  • worked on designing web site Wicked Cliche Art and Books, including page for creative friends
  • learned web site marketing techniques to get the site seen
  • picked out and framed 25 old drawings and 25 old photos for a 2 part art show with 2 successful in person shows
these were a few of the photos in the show
  • did some political activism, mostly fighting for accessibility in the local art community (Sign a petition to help save Out Of the Blue Gallery)
  • wrote “I Write the System” (autobiography)
  • wrote and illustrated “Be The Best You” (children’s book)
  • started major rewrite on the godchild (memoir trilogy)
  • designed a cover for my book
  • learned about amazon advertising and other ways to get my book seen
  • had stickers and business cards made
  • hand-made hundreds of stickers including a couple I put on a utility box over racist graffiti
  • sent out over 100 press kit announcements
  • did several paintings
  • designed and sold t-shirts and other merch
  • bought art from a few friends
  • created a home gallery
  • did major cleaning
  • put several pieces of furniture together
  • edited “I Write the System” 17 times
  • wrote query letters to about 75 publishers
  • got a bite on my book from a publisher but would have taken months to years so I decided to self publish again
  • found, created, and cooked new recipes
  • lost 50 pounds
  • visited with koda
  • went swimming
  • walked in the woods
  • went to Robin’s Farm Park to take photos
  • went to the graffiti spot a few times
  • created new digital art
  • sold a couple pictures and some stickers
  • participated in a spirituality group
  • practiced meditation
  • broke up with a sort of toxic boyfriend
  • better learned how I want to be treated
  • talked to a friend about maybe wanting to know them better
  • wrote a few songs and poems, including a poem about “The Godchild”
  • spoke up about mistreatment in a number of health care and housing situations
  • had my apartment inspected and rejected several times and dealt with the fear of having to move, which would have been a huge downgrade most likely if not homeless
  • visited my parents a few times
  • made many new friends
  • saw a few good movies and shows including “Ma Rainy’s Black Bottom”, “Kid90”, “Disclosure”, “Legend of Korra”, “Summer Of Soul”, “His Dark Materials”, “Cobra Kai”, “13th”, “Da 5 Bloods”, and now trying “Sweet Tooth”
  • tried all kinds of new delivery places I loved
  • learned to start wearing masks or face shields when i went places despite the anxiety attacks
  • got vaccinated
  • dealt with severe mental health symptoms and all kinds of extreme stress, daily triggers, and so on, and I am still here
  • started learning keyboard and got a little better at bass
  • published two books

New & Improved Book Cover, Queries, Soap, Medicine, Clouds & “The Most Valuable Poet On the M-I-C”

I’ve had a busy day today. I woke up at my parents’ house, showered, packed, ate a bagel, and drove an hour drive home. The drive wasn’t bad at all. Now that I take an exit to avoid part of the highway that I don’t like, and I know the exit numbers have changed, at 3PM on a Spring day there’s no traffic or blinding sun, and there was no rain like I’d anticipated. It was just a beautiful Spring drive.

When I got home, I comforted my cat right away. She’s an anxious cat who needs to constantly be comforted and she has a hard time when I leave her but I was only away from her for one full day. Still, she’s howling like crazy in the other room as I write, but I’ve given her some food and attention… maybe not enough…

I got some popcorn teriyaki chicken for dinner, talked to my mental health worker and my boyfriend, and I re-did the cover for my upcoming memoir while waiting for my weed. I’d made one yesterday, but I felt like I could do better. I definitely think I improved it a little bit, even though it’s the same basic idea.

I liked this idea of a claw machine representing a very flawed and rigged system, pulling my androgynous baby picture out of a pile of photos of me from various stages of my life. They are the same photos I used in the one I made yesterday, but I added the 8th grade, big hair photo, since 8th grade is an important part of the book and it’s probably the furthest from my true self that I ever was. I also changed some of the details of the person I drew, who is supposed to represent a young soldier.

As soon as I finished, my medicine came…

This is one of my favorite strains. LA Confidential. It’s recommended by Snoop. You can read about it here…

I saw that my soap came from my favorite soap shop on Etsy. This was one of them. Gorgeous!

I took out the trash and took a couple photos of the clouds…

I’ve been listening to music, took a bath with my new soap, smoked a little bit of my new weed, and I sent out a few more queries. I got another encouraging rejection today, and this one included a link to a web site kind of like the other two I’ve been looking for people through, but this one has a bunch more people I haven’t tried yet, so I researched four of them who were looking for memoirs and sent them each what they wanted, which were all different. It was hard work as usual, but maybe it’ll pay off. I feel like maybe I’m giving up too early. Now that I’m editing again and fixing a lot and am halfway through, I feel like it’s worth trying some new people. If I was close with a few like they’ve said, maybe this extra edit will be enough. I thought I was out of people, and I haven’t heard back from them all yet, but I don’t know what to expect. I only know what happened last time. This book is stronger in most ways. I do believe in it. Even if I self publish, I think this one might get read more and a little more buzz. I can only hope it reaches the people I’m meant to help with it.

I listened to Big L in my car on the way home. He was a brilliant artist. Some of his lyrics are potentially offensive if they didn’t make for such beautiful poetry.

And that is that.