Accomplishments Of Age 42

  • held a kick ass zoom party for my 42nd birthday with friends from all over the world performing and showing art, since I never had a 40th party
  • did several paintings including this new one from September 2021
  • performed a few songs live at the Armory with Parama and Steve
  • helped elect a new president
  • high school reunion on zoom
  • many zooms events for Jam’n Java and Soulkore open mics
  • hosted 2 more zoom open mic art parties, all successful
  • found a record bookcase in the trash and collected records to fill it
  • designed 22 major arcana tarot cards
this was one of the tarot cards
  • worked on designing web site Wicked Cliche Art and Books, including page for creative friends
  • learned web site marketing techniques to get the site seen
  • picked out and framed 25 old drawings and 25 old photos for a 2 part art show with 2 successful in person shows
these were a few of the photos in the show
  • did some political activism, mostly fighting for accessibility in the local art community (Sign a petition to help save Out Of the Blue Gallery)
  • wrote “I Write the System” (autobiography)
  • wrote and illustrated “Be The Best You” (children’s book)
  • started major rewrite on the godchild (memoir trilogy)
  • designed a cover for my book
  • learned about amazon advertising and other ways to get my book seen
  • had stickers and business cards made
  • hand-made hundreds of stickers including a couple I put on a utility box over racist graffiti
  • sent out over 100 press kit announcements
  • did several paintings
  • designed and sold t-shirts and other merch
  • bought art from a few friends
  • created a home gallery
  • did major cleaning
  • put several pieces of furniture together
  • edited “I Write the System” 17 times
  • wrote query letters to about 75 publishers
  • got a bite on my book from a publisher but would have taken months to years so I decided to self publish again
  • found, created, and cooked new recipes
  • lost 50 pounds
  • visited with koda
  • went swimming
  • walked in the woods
  • went to Robin’s Farm Park to take photos
  • went to the graffiti spot a few times
  • created new digital art
  • sold a couple pictures and some stickers
  • participated in a spirituality group
  • practiced meditation
  • broke up with a sort of toxic boyfriend
  • better learned how I want to be treated
  • talked to a friend about maybe wanting to know them better
  • wrote a few songs and poems, including a poem about “The Godchild”
  • spoke up about mistreatment in a number of health care and housing situations
  • had my apartment inspected and rejected several times and dealt with the fear of having to move, which would have been a huge downgrade most likely if not homeless
  • visited my parents a few times
  • made many new friends
  • saw a few good movies and shows including “Ma Rainy’s Black Bottom”, “Kid90”, “Disclosure”, “Legend of Korra”, “Summer Of Soul”, “His Dark Materials”, “Cobra Kai”, “13th”, “Da 5 Bloods”, and now trying “Sweet Tooth”
  • tried all kinds of new delivery places I loved
  • learned to start wearing masks or face shields when i went places despite the anxiety attacks
  • got vaccinated
  • dealt with severe mental health symptoms and all kinds of extreme stress, daily triggers, and so on, and I am still here
  • started learning keyboard and got a little better at bass
  • published two books

Fun From the Wicked Cliche Art Show at The Armory

The Wicked Cliche Art Show, “Falling Apart, Breaking, And Putting Myself Back Together Through Art” was yesterday and it was a hit. We had a lot of fun and helped raise some money for Out Of the Blue Art Gallery/Parma Chai Gallery at The Armory in Somerville.

I’ve had an especially rough week, but the show made it worth the effort. Here are some photos

There were actually a bunch of other people there who I forgot to take pictures of, including my therapist who I actually haven’t seen in person in over a year, so that was nice.

And here’s a short video of my 25 pieces in the hallway…

I made enchiladas a couple days ago…

I took this picture of my altar, which I’ve had since 1992

and I found these Menotomy Rocks…

I grabbed one as a gift for my sister’s 40th birthday and one for my boyfriend who’s visiting at the end of July, and I left the rest…

I’ve been doing some editing and I sent my book out to a few friends to look at and haven’t heard from any of them yet, so part of me is worried they think the book is terrible, but I’m pretty sure they’re just busy with other things.

Unfortunately it’s getting to be hot as fuck and will be for a few days, so here is a little music to chill too. The King of Emo..

FTM Transition: 25 Year Difference. Healthcare, Stress & More

I haven’t made a blog entry in about a week. It’s been a rough one. I believe in my last entry, I tried to keep the focus on what I was grateful for, and I don’t wanna get carried away with the negatives now either.

I’ve been very busy; so much so that I’m kind of concerned for my mental and physical health. It’s been a real challenge, and lately my health CARE has been the main cause in making my health WORSE, and seeing how I have a history of that, like being sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured, experimented on, drugged, lied to, laughed at, etc. by my health care workers at times over the years, I find it very triggering when my health care is the cause of my stress. To be a professional psych patient for thirty years is not a great life. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to be blessed with many amazing people in my life who help bring me some joy, just as I am blessed to be the type of person who is easily self contained. Give me something to write and draw with, an instrument to play with, a book I’ll like, a good movie, or access to a variety of music, and I’m good for entertainment for awhile. A combination of all those things, and you may never see me again, as has been the case this year. Unfortunately I do need a lot more social time than I’m getting. With as much stress as my old friends used to cause me, I hardly had any rage for all those years when we were hanging out, other than a few times here and there. It seems like so much more the last few years since I kicked them all out of my life and began to put my own life together.

I guess being an artist in a gallery can be extremely stressful for me unfortunately, and all the other stuff I’ve taken on since choosing to give my life an honest shot. Plus, I had a full blown psychosis breakdown just a couple years ago, not long after the art gallery moved from Medford, which was accessible to me, to Allston and Cambidge, which is not. The fact that we may be losing the new gallery in Somerville which is extremely accessible, and forced back into the space in Allston is not helping my stress. The fact that everything regarding our space at The Armory went to shit right before the show I spent five months preparing for and putting a lot of my stimulus money into didn’t help my stress either. Speaking of which, please sign and share this petition.

Petition to help save OOTB Gallery at The Armory

And if you wanna learn more about my current show at The Armory, you can read more here…

“Wicked Cliche Art Show” Falling Apart, Breaking, and Putting Myself Back Together Through Art”

Other stuff has been stressful too though, as I plan to put out another book that I’m hoping will have more success than The Godchild Trilogy which was not a total failure, all things considered, but I feel I have the potential to do much better, and this next book could reach a lot of people, and my family may not like it, similar to The Godchild, which I was afraid I’d be disowned because of. While that didn’t happen, and the world didn’t end, like I also feared, I don’t know if that was just because of how few people have read it so far. I don’t know if I do end up having some success and begin to get read, if that’ll affect things differently. I suppose things will probably be okay, but I worry. I also mentioned my sister was in the ER last week for a heart issue, and I’ve been having them too, and my pulse was extremely high when the nurse was here the other day. I’ve made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow though, as well as with my psychiatrist and nutritionist. I also weighed myself the other day and I’ve gone down a few more pounds in just a few weeks. I continue to be heading in the right direction with that on a slow but steady pace.

I realized that this month is 25 years since I graduated high school in 1996, from Beacon High/New Perspectives in Coolidge Corner Brookline, in a class of eleven kids, which was the record for the largest graduating class there at the time, yet was doubled with 22 kids the next year, I believe. There were only 44 kids in the whole school, and many never finished. I loved the school, but my last year there was rough after gaining over 100 pounds from psych meds, and a number of traumas and hospital visits and loss of friends and other difficult shit…

Here is a picture of me at my graduation party in 1996 where I was smiling because I was surrounded by friends and family who were celebrating me, but I was extremely sad and chronically suicidal, and on the right is a pic taken a couple days ago, when I was grumpy due to some recent stress, but am overall a much happier person now.

I got away for a few days of sunshine with the family this weekend…

Moo was demanding attention when I got home

I am grateful for my few days away, the good food, sun, fresh air, family time, and my dad got my car inspected for me with a new sticker before I even woke up.

I’m getting lots of work done on the web site, I’ve spent hours working on press kits, I’ve been eating mostly healthy but delicious food, I’m getting support from all kinds of people in all kinds of ways, and life really isn’t that bad, even with all the stress and the recent symptoms that have been bothering me.

One of the ways someone helped me this week was something that I didn’t even need, but I thought I’d ask for help if anyone didn’t mind. My friend Luke went to Newbury Comics and picked up a record I wanted from Record Store Day, and I am now the proud owner of a limited copy of “Peace Beyond Passion” by MeShell Ndgeocello who was one of the only openly queer artists in the 90’s. I love this album, and she is in my top 5 bass players along with Flea, Roger Waters, Victor Wooten, and Les Claypool.

I will leave you with a song from the album and wish you a good rest of the week…

My First Art Show In Over A Year & Trying To Save the Gallery

If you are from Boston, you know that gentrification has closed down most of the art and music spaces in Boston even before the pandemic and almost nothing remains here for us now except for a few places including Out Of the Blue Gallery/ Parma Chai Gallery, which moved into The Armory in Somerville right around the beginning of the pandemic, and they’ve spent the year fixing up an ancient building that is an actual armory and small castle from the Revolutionary war. It’d been run down for decades and wasn’t until Out Of the Blue Gallery moved in there last year that it turned into such a remarkable, gorgeous gallery that is sure to add hugely to the Boston art culture once people get back into going out again. Out Of the Blue Gallery is accessible to real artists who may not have had the privilege of being born rich or going to art school, or even knowing the right people. The gallery took in starving artists for decades in its previous locations, and that is where I, a transgender, non-binary artist with Complex PTSD and Bipolar Disorder who spent 20 years in and out of psych wards and then ten more years in abusive relationships, managed to turn my life around. The gallery is extremely diverse, from the owner to every one of the artists, yet the fancy, rich, and mostly straight and white Somerville art people seem to be attempting to buy it out under us for themselves, in the name of “saving art”. I am not an expert on the subject, so you may wanna read about it in The Herald or follow the gallery on Facebook…

Please sign this petition to help save the gallery…

In other, related news, Out Of the Blue held a small, private showing of my May photography exhibit on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. A few close friends came and hung out in the new performance space they are in the middle of fixing up and preparing to hold events with live music again. Here are some of the pictures I took…

sometimes the masks end up upside down

The Armory, Somerville MA

Here is some info on my show, which is going on through June. It’s called “Falling Apart, Breaking, And Putting Myself Back Together Through Art”. The Armory is open to the public Monday-Saturday 9-6 and they even have a cafe in the building.

For music this time, I’ll put up a video that was taken at the Armory this past year, inside Out Of the Blue Gallery, of me rapping over Parma Chai. It was completely improvised and I’m still sort of a beginner, so there were parts that sound better than others, but it was pretty awesome and I’m hoping there will be more to come.

New Painting, Business Cards, Twitter, Duolingo, Parents’ 45th Anniversary, & Doing What I Can…

It’s been a busy few days. There’s been some stress over the possibility of Out Of the Blue Gallery losing our space at The Armory, and so I’ve been posting about it and yesterday I wrote letters to the mayor and the art council in Somerville to urge them to take a look at the new gallery and the time and effort put into it. I also mentioned how OOTB has helped me as a disabled person who otherwise had no access to the art world, and how far I’ve come in the last few years because of the gallery.

Here is the link to the gallery to learn more…

Today was my parents’ 45th wedding anniversary. They also have the same birthday…

I’ve been trying to set things up for when I put out my next book, including making a new LinkedIn and Twitter account. You can find all of my links here…

I also made new business cards with my web site on them

I was gonna use this image, but it would have been too small…

I didn’t get out for a walk to take photos as I hoped, but here is a photo of my cute cat…

and a photo of the chair with the canvas that I’ve been staring at for weeks, trying to figure out what to do with it…

Of course, as usual, I forgot to take a picture of the old painting before I painted over it. It was basically just the background. I added the hand and arm today, as well as a few minor editions to the background.

I’m calling it “Holding Onto My World”

I also recently decided to try the free app Duolingo to learn Spanish in memory of my good friend Randy who I recently lost to suicide, and he was big into taking online classes for all kinds of stuff, including many languages.

I’ve been practicing the keyboard, eating healthy, put some of my records that I wanna show Koda into chronological order, I met with my mental health worker yesterday and played the Igor album by Tyler the Creator for her on the record player because it’s one of her favorite albums and it’s one of the many albums that sounds a lot better on vinyl. She wanted to know what the difference was between vinyl and just listening to an mp3, so I wanted to show her, and now she wants a record player of course, haha.

Last but not least, I got some much needed sleep today and wasn’t even too grumpy.

I’m grateful for my day… Here’s a random video from the early days of Youtube that is still the first video to pop up on my YouTube page because I need to edit it, but it’s cool…

DBT Skillz To Pay the Billz (Or To Just Help You Through Stressful Situations)

There’s been some stress the last few days, but I’m trying not to let it get to me and I’m being as assertive as possible to get my needs met. There’s a skill in DBT to help with communication and getting your needs met and stuff. There are two sides with similar charts; “asking” for something, and “saying no” to something. On both sides, you evaluate what’s most important, getting your needs met, keeping the relationship good, or feeling a sense of self respect. Depending on what your biggest objective is, this can can change how you ask or say no. Like, if you need a favor from someone and you mention it and they sound unsure… if your objective with that person is to keep the relationship good, and you can find someone else to help you, then you decrease the intensity of asking, but if they are the only person who can help and it’s something you really need, then you increase the intensity of asking. There’s a lot more to it. It involves charts and acronyms and all sorts of stuff, and it takes a lot of practice, but learning to use it effectively can really improve your interpersonal relationships. I found myself using it a lot today, and am grateful for it because I’ve had some challenging moments with people and handled most of it a lot better than most people would have in my position. I was proud of myself, but at the same time, I feel a little guilty about “increasing the intensity of asking”; especially with my mental health worker. She’s the best though and I’m grateful. I’m just feeling overwhelmed by all I do in the world for almost nothing in return.

This is a painting I sold at an art show 3 years ago. Here’s a few other photos from that day…

Tom Tipton: Founder of Out Of the Blue art Gallery

I’ve been doing these shows with the gallery for a few years now. This was when it was located in a house in Medford. Now they’re at the Armory in Somerville, but they need help. You can read about that here…

Please help if you can!

In other news, there isn’t much other news. I’ve just been editing, and I created a LinkedIn account. You can find that here…

and here is a picture of my cute best buddy cat…

and a picture I found of myself from 2009

I look about the same, except I had short hair then and wore scally caps.

Here are some songs. This just came on the random playlist; a favorite from 1992…

classic… and because I was wearing a Beastie Boys shirt in that old photo, how about my favorite Beastie Boys song?

and that’s it…